Every Monday Every Week All Holders will Be in a Live Raffle Wheel Spin — Creator’s Interview

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Project Founder: Scott Warne

Business Background:
As Director of SHYDOG CREATIVE Ltd myself and my team have assisted over 23,000 businesses and brands with solutions for their branding and digital requirements including logo design, QR code builds and QR code subscriptions, auto-reply bot builds, email signature hosting with over 550 annual subscribers and growing daily, digital business card subscription through the talking V-card, web design and website management, social media design and social media advertising and video intro creation.
As a digital company we also operate decentralised domain ownership and management including top level domains, sub domains, NFT creations and brand ownership with the Skelectables NFT collection as well as Crypto trades and projects.

In 2018 I also founded and trademarked The Signature Logo™  which operates under SHYDOG CREATIVE Ltd. 
The Signature Logo™ continues to grow and adapt in the digital branding space with projects including over 180 published book covers, numerous private yacht graphics, private jet decals, vehicle graphics, shop and business signage, social media influencer branding, You-Tube channel branding, a Netflix series, over 400 podcasters and thousands of independent businesses. We even branded a 30,000 square-foot restaurant in Las Vegas for a well known NFL player! Now one of the growing go-to website platforms for start-up branding requirements in the USA. 
Proud to have taken the company from zero to a seven figure valuation as an independent GSB (Global Small Business)

Most recently we have now developed and launched the Skelectables™ NFT project and we are very excited to build the community with you.

Chris: The Skelectables are not just a regular artwork project. These tokens make trading exciting. How do you explain the concept and objective of the Skelectables NFT?

Scott: We are causing a stir in the NFT space! No more boring projects or promises of a free concert that you will never attend or tickets to a conference on the other side of the world…Holding a Skelectable NFT or Skele as we call it will bring you vainglory, envy, greed, gluttony, wrath and sloth every week from the moment you join the organization…Once the project activates through roadmap activation we will be issuing a total of a 1,000 NFTs in weekly raffle giveaways along with spot prizes totalling over $600k and someone will walk away with the $100k Treasure Chest! This will bring you excitement and participation every week!

This isn’t about art – this is about you holding a Skele NFT, trading Skelectables for profit and participating in the organization in an exciting and unique NFT project. 

The objective is to mint and trade the Skelectable NFTs and attempt to hold one of the 800 “Boss” positions which could ultimately lead to becoming the “Don” of the Skelectables winning the top prize in the Treasure Chest.

If you get to hold a “Boss” position you will then compete with other Bosses for the hierarchy within the organisation. This is decided from the points value of the Skelectables you hold and at the end of the 52 weeks the “Don” will be announced and that person will win a majority share of the Treasure Chest. 

We think we have built a project where secondary sales should be a very exciting proposition and also one where holding your Skele is just as exciting as it means you are included in the weekly raffles and other benefits! A win-win situation! The Skelectables project details are laid out online and the excitement of who will hold one of the 800 “Boss” positions is building fast! 

Chris: Skelectables also has weekly giveaways and a $100k Treasure Chest. What are the ways in which one can enter the contest to participate in these giveaways? 

Scott: The great thing about the Skelectables NFT is that from the moment you purchase just one NFT you are in the game! Your NFT has a number and this number is automatically entered into every giveaway we do every week.
As a holder of a Skelectable your NFT number will automatically be entered into the weekly “Raffle Wheel” detailed below.

• Every Friday all holders will be in a live raffle wheel spin. We will spin the wheel 5 times to give away 5 “High Earner” Skelectables – with other competitions and puzzles we will be giving away 300 “High Earners” in total to go with the other 3,500 that will be available for minting.

• Every Friday all holders will be in a live raffle wheel spin. We will spin the wheel 3 times to give away 3 “Capo” Skelectables – with other competitions and puzzles we will be giving away 200 “Capos” in total to go with the other 1,044 that will be available for minting.

• Every Monday every week all holders will be in a live raffle wheel spin. We will spin the wheel 8 times to give away 8 “Boss” Skelectables – with other competitions / giveaways we will be giving away 500 Bosses in total to go with 300 that will be in the mix for minting.

Chris: Additionally, what are the 800 Boss positions? How does an investor become a Boss? What will be the benefits of becoming the Boss?

Scott: If you are lucky enough to mint a Skelectable you wont know which Skelecatble you have until the reveal which is 24 hours after the public minting. We do this so we can create a fair playing field.

Once holders and prospective buyers know what status their Skelectable has then we anticipate a frenzy of buying and selling as holders try to get in position and stake their claim on the Treasure Chest as an organisation Boss.

Throughout various stages of the project there are weekly raffles through our “spinning raffle wheel” – we have giveaways and prizes for holders of any of the Skelectables so no matter what Skelectable you own you are always in the game and always have something of value.  

During the giveaways we automatically enter all the NFT holder numbers into a raffle wheel and we spin the wheel live to reveal winning holder numbers so the more Skelectables you own the better chance you have, however you could just own 1 Skelectable such as a “Capo” and this will be in very high demand and will command a high price on the secondary market!

We have a roadmap of stages of the NFT project and at each stage of sales we will unlock parts of the project with some amazing giveaways and contributions into the Treasure Chest!

To become an organisation Boss and stake a claim on the “Treasure Chest” you will be required to hold the “Skelectable Trio” – these are detailed below

• 1 x High Earner Skelectable 

• 1 x Capo Skelectable 

• 1 x Boss Skelectable

Imagine this scenario, if you win a “Boss” in the weekly raffle and you already own a High Earner will you buy a Capo or sell out? Or perhaps you hold a Runner but then you win a Boss! You will have a dilemma, either start your mission to get a High Earner and a Capo or sell for the big bucks! 

If you acquire the trio of all 3 Skelectables you can take your place as one of the organisation Bosses and stake your claim to the “Treasure Chest” –  Having these 3 Skelectables will get you 100 points, however the more Skelectables in your wallet the more points you have, you may have 5 extra runners or you may have 2 Capos etc so at the end of the 52 weeks we should have our 800 organisation Bosses and then the hierarchy or winner will be decided based on the amount of points you have. 

The “Don” will win the entire 50% of the Treasure Chest and be awarded a “Bullet Tooth Boss” Bespoke NFT! The top 50 bosses will share 40% of the Treasure Chest and the remaining 10% will be issued to 50 more Bosses on the raffle wheel!

The 800 organisation bosses will also be rewarded with a free minting of a Skelectables WAG in the follow up Skelectables project.

Chris: For the purpose, what will be the features of the token? These tokens are pieces of art on the digital platform. So, how are they different from the other artwork tokens? 

Scott: The toke will be the Skelectables NFT character – Their features have morphed and changed over time due to the harsh environment of where they now co-exist with complete scum from the Earth. Somehow some can even still grow hair and facial hair, there are some with tattoos and different eye wear while others who were jewel thieves on Earth have gold teeth and piercings. They have access to weapons that include axes, pitchforks and even guns amongst other stuff!
Most Skelectables are immune to the B206 virus that is rife in the Skeleverse – this virus attacks every bone in their body and makes the Skeletons even more crazy. Some Skelectables will protect themselves with face coverings while others just don’t care and want to be infected so they are even more crazy! 
The Skelectables have retained a lot of their fashion sense from their previous Earth life and some look very bad-ass. Some love to smoke anything they can get their hands on and some love to show off their wealth with their teeth.. 

Chris: Additionally, what are the traits that make each one of them unique? Do you also have a rarity reference chart?

Scott: There are 8,888 unique Skelectables all with different traits. These unique traits will validate what kind of Skelectable you hold. There are 4 different hierarchy of Skelectable status all with different points values and they are listed below:

1️⃣ A Skelectable “Runner” with no hierarchy but possibly very rare traits which can win spot prizes. These are valued at 5 points each.

2️⃣ A Skelectable “High Earner” – This is a Skelectable that has some hierarchy within the organisation and has collected treasure or hoarded money and can be valuable on the secondary market. These are valued at 20 points each

3️⃣ A Skelectable “Capo” – This is a Skelectable that is second in command to the Bosses and will become very valuable on the secondary market. These are valued at 30 points each

4️⃣ A Skelectable “Boss” who are the organisation Bosses and there are just 800 of them that run the organisation! If you have one of these they will be in very, very high demand. These are valued at 50 points each.

Chris: At the same time, what will be the cost of one Skelectables NFT? How much of the cost would account for the gas fee?

Scott: We anticipate the cost of a Skelectables NFT to be around the $250 public mint and around $200 for whitelisted members. Gas fees are not included and the buyer will need to pay Gas

Chris: Before we close, please share your plans for the future of Skelectables. Do you plan to release another series soon?

Scott: We are in this for the long term and the 52 week “Don” project is just the start. Skelectables™ is a trademarked NFT project and your Skelectable will always hold value and we will continue to hold raffles for prizes and we will also continue to put 5% of all secondary sales into a new Treasure Chest. Any Skelectable holder will still have part ownership of the Metaverse property and share in the growth of this asset. We are already looking at Skelectable WAGS as a follow up project and this will integrate with existing Skelcetables™ so there is plenty to look forward to and the Skelectable community will grow and evolve. Also, don’t forget to join our Discord and Twitter. It is the best way to stay informed on news and announcements.

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