The OA is the First EdTech NFT Project to be Released on 3 Major Blockchains — Founder’s Interview

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On this joyful day, my guest is Maurice#4579 — marketing manager and business dev of the Orangutans Academy.

He is an entrepreneur with a computer science + MBA degree. Corporate experience + entrepreneurial experience in the fashion industry.

Chris: Orangutan Academy is a distinct concept for the NFT collection. What is the idea supported by the Orangutan Academy? How does it support education in the Metaverse?

Maurice: While countries have significantly increased access to education, being in school isn’t the same thing as learning. We see in today’s world that your college network could be considerably more valuable than the course material. The OA is an educational project that leverages blockchain technologies and NFT communities to offer real life value. The OA is the first EdTech NFT project to be released on 3 major blockchains. At the OA we want to make education accessible, which means that the platform we are building and the NFTs to be minted are available on all three blockchains. Education should be accessible and shared. Everyone who wants to utilize the platform can easily do it. Giving the native NFTs of each chain the ability to gather in one place brings additional opportunities to all. Using the incredible technology of Unreal Engine 5, we will have the incredible ability to allow students and experts to interact, using their Orangutans on a Virtual Stage. Similar to Ted talks but on a virtual stage. This is one of the many features that the OA platform has. 

Chris: By the same token, what exactly is the course platform? How do the orangutans arrange for the Library, Student Centre and Ted Talks? Are some of these hosted on the physical platform as well?

Maurice: The OA is The first NFT EdTech project with real life utility. Holders and none holders will have access to a course platform called will be the learning platform that will allow holders of the NFT and external instructors to build online courses on their preferred topics. Both free and paid courses will be offered. Selling courses has proven to be one of the most popular ways of making passive income online. 

Chris: We also read about the IP rights on the platform. What are you protecting with the Rights?

Maurice: IP rights will be given to the NFT holder. Rights of the NFT they hold not the entire collection. 

Chris: Consequently, how do the students sign up for the Orangutan Academy? Do they have to be holders of the Orangutan Academy NFT to be a part of it?

Maurice: The course platform will be open to holders and none holders. Initially to gain traction we will charge 0% for all creators, but as we grow and become more reputable, only holding our NFT may guarantee you 0% when creating courses. Holding our NFT also allows you to take every course at a discount. Course creators have the option to offer more than 50% discount to holders as well. Holding our NFT and creating a course, puts you in a special section on the website that will gain more visibility.

Chris: To explain, please share the features of the creatures behind the NFT. How is each token unique?

Maurice: 9,999 (NFTs) Wonderful orangutans will be initially minted and admitted to our academy, 3,333 from Cardano, 3,333 from Ethereum and 3,333 from Solana. We want our members to benefit from all the value that each chain brings. Like the internet that came before it, which was at one time disjointed with its own set of scaling issues, blockchain technology must move from its current state — chains operating in isolation — to a connected ecosystem

Chris: Accordingly, what will be the price point of these tokens? How much of the cost would account for minting fees?

Maurice: Price is still undefined. The team is working on the cost analysis of this ambitious project and market conditions are not making it easy. Price will be released closer to minting date. 

Chris: Meanwhile, what are your plans for expansion of the scope for the Orangutan holders in the future? What are your milestones for 2022?

Maurice: Milestones 2022:

  • A creators economy: Allow people to create courses, share knowledge and generate income.

  • Exclusive speaker events: Attend exclusive virtual events that will include top professionals, entrepreneurs, founders, professors, and experts in different fields. Powered by Unreal Engine 5.

  • Exclusive networking: Gain access to a community that brings 3 chains together with the common goal of bettering web3 and the world we live in. Unity is strength, division is weakness.

  • Career board: Find jobs within and outside of web3 that are exclusively offered to the members holding an Orangutan. 

  • Library access: Create the first web3 research platform that functions under a decentralized voting system so that everyone’s opinions and thoughts can be hear

Also, don’t forget to join our Discord and Twitter. It is the best way to stay informed on news and announcements.

Chris: To conclude, please state the minting process of the tokens for your new subscribers.

Maurice: Minting will be done on the website. There you will find 3 links depending on the chain you want to mint. Then the process is very simple, you click on the mint button, approve the transaction and you will get the NFT. The times will vary depending on the chain you are minting. 

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