2022 February Flash Fiction Challenge: Day 6

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Flash Fiction Challenge

For today’s prompt, let’s focus on character and character motivations. This past fall, our Editor, Michael Woodson, wrote a wonderful article about the pitfall of the characterless character. This got me thinking about character motivations; and when you only have a maximum of 1,500 words, it’s important that those motivations are clear to the reader if you’re writing a character-driven piece.

For today’s prompt, write about a character attempting to be heartfelt.

Remember: As mentioned yesterday, these prompts are just starting points; you have the freedom to go wherever your flash of inspiration takes you.

(Note: If you happen to run into any issues posting, please just send me an e-mail at mrichard@aimmedia.com with the subject line: Flash Fiction Challenge Commenting Issue.)

Here’s my attempt at writing someone attempting to be heartfelt:


Dear Jace and Margot,

Thank you so much for inviting me to your wedding. There’s nothing I would love more than to attend the wedding of my ex-fiancée and ex-sister-in-law.

I was absolutely thrilled to think about sitting there, watching you seal your vows with a kiss, and trying not to remember how my niece found the two of you in flagrante in her parent’s marriage bed.

It would have been such a blast to look at your gown and compare it to the one that’s hanging in my closet, unused and un-returnable.

I’m still paying off wedding deposits

Has the ink even dried on your divorce papers

How can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror

Unfortunately, I will be out of town that weekend, and every foreseeable weekend that you might need me for anything, for a work event.

Wishing you the best


You’re both the worst people I’ve ever met

I hate you



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