August 2024 / 163 posts found

What Are Breadcrumbs & Why Do They Matter For SEO? via @sejournal, @sejournal

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Improve SEO and user experience with breadcrumbs on your website. Learn how implementing breadcrumbs can have a positive impact on your website’s visibility and navigation. The post What Are Breadcrumbs & Why Do They Matter For SEO? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) via @sejournal, @vahandev

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Find out how Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) can affect your website and why it’s important to optimize for this Google ranking factor. The post Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Introduces INP Improvement For Publisher Tag Ads Library via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google updates Publisher Tag Ads Library to improve INP scores and ad loading efficiency. New features offer publishers more control. The post Google Introduces INP Improvement For Publisher Tag Ads Library appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Chrome Adds Visual Search, Tab Compare, & Smart History via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google Chrome introduces new features: desktop visual search, product comparison tool, and natural language history search, enhancing user experience and browsing capabilities. The post Google Chrome Adds Visual Search, Tab Compare, & Smart History appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Clarifies Autocomplete Functionality Amid User Concerns via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google clarifies Autocomplete functionality, addressing user concerns and explaining recent issues. The post Google Clarifies Autocomplete Functionality Amid User Concerns appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Ads Experiencing Outage Impacting Key Features via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google Ads is experiencing an outage, disrupting key features and reports. The company is working to resolve widespread system issues. The post Google Ads Experiencing Outage Impacting Key Features appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Marketing From the Ground Up with Start-Up Expert Annie Katrina Lee

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If you‘re a business owner looking to build your start-up from the ground up, you’ve likely read plenty of blogs looking for advice on marketing your business—but I‘m guessing there’s sometimes been a frustrating lack of resources for your particular challenges. Most marketing guidance centers on the perspectives of brands that are already established or have a sizable following. But what about the business owners who are starting from zero? We chatted with start-up expert Annie Katrina Lee, whose previous experience includes marketing for Twitch, Pinterest, Amazon, and various start-ups. If you want advice on marketing from the ground up, […]

AI Bots — Who is Blocking and Why?

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Are you considering blocking AI bots? Perhaps you think it’s crazy but want to see who it is. Tom Capper digs into the robots.txt of major sites to reveal who is blocking AI bots.

Ask An SEO: Should I Delete My GBP If I Am Selling My Product Nationwide?

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Should you delete your GBP if you sell nationwide? Find out if your business is eligible for a Google Business Profile and if it’s necessary. The post Ask An SEO: Should I Delete My GBP If I Am Selling My Product Nationwide? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Video Advertising Metrics & Brand Advertising With Greg Jarboe via @sejournal, @theshelleywalsh

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Learn about the future of video advertising metrics. Find out how the industry is shifting from reach to business outcomes for improved ad effectiveness. The post Video Advertising Metrics & Brand Advertising With Greg Jarboe appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
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