Freelance Writing / 3 posts found

How to Use Patreon as a Freelancer’s Tool

Patreon is the mechanism providing you with an online subscription service where you and your followers meet up and share the same lingo. They receive something creatively unique, and you relish the freedom of creative expression while earning a few dollars.  (4 Places for Freelancers to Find Those First Clients.) You’ll find over 200,000 creators on Patreon, and the definition of creativity varies far and wide, with some using it for their primary income, and others as a sideline tool. Become a Patreon Creator You have the option to utilize Patreon as a patron or a creative provider, or both. […]

4 Key Places for Writers to Find Those First Freelance Clients

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Typing this question in a search engine will send you down a rabbit hole so deep and voluminous as to make you reconsider why you considered freelancing in the first place. First, the ads that pop up range from apps to job sites to current freelancers who want to teach you how to be a freelancer. Everyone has a trick, and no two offers of advice are the same. (20 Literary Agents Actively Seeking Writers and Their Writing.) Believe it or not, that’s a good thing! The wide diversity of advice tells you that there is no right way. You, […]

11 Pros and Cons of Writing for Free

Free writing can be a wonderful exercise where a writer sits down and writes without inhibitions. Writing for free, however, may be a completely different matter. Freelance writers can often be asked to write for free and/or produce “speculative/spec writing” and this can confuse and frustrate many a prospective, new, or established freelance writer.  (How Much Should Writers Charge Per Word or Per Project?) When you consider a freelance writer’s time, effort, and subject matter expertise, they should be paid a fair rate. Routinely, however, a freelance writer will be asked to create without compensation. Novice freelancers or writers writing […]
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