Email Design / 5 posts found

The Ultimate Guide to Email Design and 13 Best Practices

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As a new marketing assistant, I once created an email campaign for our biggest product launch. Despite spending hours crafting the seemingly “perfect” message, the next day’s analytics showed dismal open and click-through rates. The problem? I had neglected the design, resulting in a cluttered mess with no clear call-to-action. This harsh wake-up call taught me that in email marketing, design is as crucial as content. This experience set me on a path to mastering email design. I learned that effective emails require a balance of engaging copy and visually appealing design that guides readers to action. In this blog […]

Getting Your Customers Back: 10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails

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I’ve been breathing life into email campaigns since 2007 when the iPhone was the newest thing on the block. Even though the learning resources for email marketers have evolved since then, I still have countless re-engagement email examples in my inbox which don’t prompt me to, well, re-engage. While getting ignored by your subscribers is bad enough, if too many subscribers do the same, you may end up damaging your sender reputation, which may encourage email service providers to treat your messages as spam. Since you obviously don’t want that, I’ll explain everything you need to know about email re-engagement […]

How to Add Social Media Icons to Your Email Signature [+ Free Resources]

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78% of consumers are willing to buy from a company after a positive experience on social media, according to a poll by Harris. But that can’t happen if they can’t find you. Adding social media icons to your email signature makes it easy for customers to connect with you on their terms. Today, we’ll cover the easiest ways to add social media icons to your email signature, plus offer a few free resources to get it done. After that, we’ll cover a few common questions, including: How do I add social media icons to my email signature? How to add […]

14 of the Best Examples of Beautiful Email Design

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Opening a marketing email is such a regular task, consumers often don’t give it a second thought. As email marketers, though, we know the other side of the story. Finding new HTML email inspiration can be a daunting task. When you’re an email marketer, your to-do list often looks like this: Generate opt-in leads, segment your lists, set up lead nurturing workflows, draft clear and concise email copy, check your emails for deliverability, optimize for plain text and HTML, and so on. “Where’s the fun in this?” you may wonder. Thankfully, there are plenty of email marketing geeks out there […]

10 Great Examples of Welcome Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy

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We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good first impression. Show up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a ton of garlic and forget to brush your teeth before a first date? Also a bad first impression. It turns out that the “make a good first impression” principle holds true not only in face-to-face encounters but email interactions as well. The result? The right welcome email goes a long way to connect with potential business contacts or customers. When you send a welcome email to a new blog reader, newsletter subscriber, or […]
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