french poetic forms / 2 posts found

WD Poetic Form Challenge: Chanso

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(Editor’s note: I’ve made a slight change to how people can enter poems below. If you enter via email, please follow the subject line guidelines, or I may very well delete your entry without reading it.) I’m hoping to announce the winner of the seadna WD Poetic Form Challenge next before the end of the month, but let’s go ahead and start another a new poetic form challenge. This time around, we’ll write the chanso, a variable French form. Find the rules for writing the chanso here. So start writing them and sharing here (on this specific post) for a […]

Saraband: Poetic Forms

This week’s poetic form appears to have started in the Spanish colonies of South America as a type of music and dance (originally referenced as zarabanda) that crossed the Atlantic back over to Spain, before moving into France, Italy, and England. Apparently, the dance was originally considered so sinful that it was banned in 16th century Spain. Here are the guidelines: 7 lines Poem can have either eight or 10 syllables per line I found five different rhyme schemes differentiated by language (Spanish: aaabcbc; English: axabcbc; French: axabbcc; and Italian: aaabccb or axabccb) There are also poets who mention combining […]
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