Marketing Trends / 31 posts found

Martha Stewart, $400K Fighter Jets, and Comedy Writers: How Liquid Death Wins at Anti-Marketing, According to Liquid Death’s VP

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When considering who to learn from in the marketing space, one brand stands out: Liquid Death. They’ve mastered the art of turning healthy beverages into a sought-after brand, making them ideal marketing mentors. But they’ve done more than reinvent water — in many ways, they’ve reinvented marketing, as well. I spoke with Greg Fass, Liquid Death’s VP of Marketing, to learn how he’s cultivated an anti-marketing approach, why some of his favorite campaigns involve Tony Hawk and Martha Stewart, and his belief that Liquid Death’s success comes down to understanding people aren’t “brainless consumers of products”. How Liquid Death Wins […]

Interesting Examples of Out-of-the-Box Marketing Ideas [Marketing Update]

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This week on the Marketing Update on, Mike and Karen discussed a couple of crazy, out-of-the-box marketing campaigns. Domino’s Goes Real Time The first example came from Domino’s Pizza. Back in April 2009 on the Marketing Update, we talked about how Domino’s was taken by surprise by an unfortunate YouTube video . We’ve also discussed the company’s reinvention through a series of innovative marketing campaigns including a brand new pizza recipe . Now Domino’s has gone one step further and taken its marketing efforts real time by allowing live Twitter comments from its customers to be displayed on a […]

How Four Brands Won Gen Z Through Memes, Authenticity, and Community-Building

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Building brand awareness isn’t just about making noise today — it’s about laying the groundwork for generating consistent demand tomorrow. Also, by reaching a broader audience, your brand can target customers from various backgrounds with different behaviors. Increased brand visibility means more eyes on your products or service, which translates into heightened interest and curiosity. By expanding this starting point, you’re casting a wider net, and scooping up more potential leads who might just turn into loyal customers. The Importance of Captivating Gen Z Audiences This is the era of the tech-savvy and socially conscious Gen Z. They represent a […]

The Rise of Rewatch Podcasts & Nostalgia Bait

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Ever feel like Hollywood is stuck on rewind? Sequels, reboots, remakes — it’s all a bit … well, repetitive. And it’s not because Hollywood is unoriginal or out of ideas. It turns out that we, as the audience, crave the comfort of revisiting what we know and love. Barbie and Top Gun? Enough said. I also noticed that rewatch podcasts have been super popular lately and wanted to understand why. So, I dug into the whole “nostalgia bait” thing and talked to marketers to discover what makes this trend so hot. What is a rewatch podcast? The rewatch podcast is […]

How to Plan a Seasonal Marketing Campaign: A 5-Step Guide

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Every year has built-in opportunities to boost sales, increase brand recognition, and bolster customer relationships. Seasonal marketing is the key to aligning your outreach with special times of the year, like holidays and events, to capitalize on increased consumer enthusiasm. A well-executed seasonal marketing campaign will increase sales and strengthen the emotional connection between your brand and your audience, which is a recipe for dedicated, lifelong customers. Pulling off a standout seasonal marketing campaign requires hard work, creativity, and a little know-how — but don’t fret, I’m here to help. Read on to learn all about seasonal marketing, check out […]

Millennials vs. Gen Z: Why Marketers Need to Know the Difference [New Data]

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In recent years, there’s been a common misconception that Gen Z and millennials are essentially the same. When companies discuss reaching younger audiences, many often lump Gen Z and millennials into the same group and create one campaign strategy that they believe fits both groups. Sure, many millennials and Gen Zers are considered “young adults.” Both generations are highly connected to technology and the internet. It might seem effective to run one campaign aimed at both generations, but is this really the right move? To investigate, I decided to start by letting consumers weigh in on whether or not the […]

1 In 3 Marketers Say the Recession Will Surpass COVID’s Marketing Impacts: 3 Data Points to Know

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The COVID-19 era was notoriously a rollercoaster for marketers, who had to pivot their strategies constantly as the world changed. As if one unprecedented event wasn’t enough, marketers are now faced with a looming recession that’s already having major impacts on their industry. Will the recession shake things up as much as COVID-19 did? While we can’t truly predict the future, one-third of marketers think a recession will have an even bigger impact on their marketing activities than the pandemic, while another 33% say it will be about the same. While you should still take the data above with a grain of […]

3 Consumer Behavior Predictions for 2023 [State of Consumer Trends Data]

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Every year, consumers spend differently than the year before. This is because their preferences are evolving, their priorities are shifting, and their behaviors aren’t quite how they were before. So how are marketers supposed to meet their expectations in the new year? By making data-informed predictions. To help marketers and business professionals prepare for the road ahead, we conducted a bi-annual survey of 600+ U.S. adults in January 2023 known as the State of Consumer Trends Report to learn more about the latest consumer trends and data. Here, we’ll share our top three biggest consumer behavior predictions based on HubSpot […]

The 4 Biggest Consumer Behavior Shifts of 2023 [According to New Data]

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Your marketing strategy can’t stay stagnant if the people you’re selling to are changing their behavior — you have to adapt and learn how to cater to them. Marketers should look for observable differences in buyer behavior to continue meeting their needs. To help marketers and other business professionals make more data-informed decisions, we’ve conducted a bi-annual survey of 600+ U.S. consumers to better understand how adults spend their money. Using HubSpot Blog Research from our Consumer Trends Report, we’ll explore the nature of the biggest consumer behavior changes between May 2022 and January 2023 so that you can keep […]

2022 Marketing Benchmarks: Web Traffic and Conversion Trends for 150,000 Businesses

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In 2022, the marketing world continued to evolve. Not only did we get the ability to shop directly on our favorite social media apps, but we also began to hear lots of the futuristic buzz around AR/VR, the metaverse, and Web3 development. As we move into another unique year, marketers might wonder if and how other companies in their industry are keeping up with everything going on. To help marketers like you keep a pulse on how other brands are doing, HubSpot analyzed data from 150,000+ companies. In this post, we’ll note the three key marketing themes we discovered and […]
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