Poetry Markets / 2 posts found

The Malahat Review: Market Spotlight

The Malahat Review is a literary publication that seeks poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by Canadians and international writers. Established in 1967, The Malahat Review is a quarterly publication that sometimes focuses on themes. (New Letters: Market Spotlight.) The editors say, “Malahat originally bore the subtitle ‘An International Magazine of Life and Letters,’ reflecting the founding editors’ background in European literature and connections in the international literary community. Under succeeding editors and in step with the growing of a truly national literature, the journal became more strongly Canadian, with a focus on Canadian and international poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction […]

Pacifica Literary Review: Market Spotlight

Pacifica Literary Review is an online literary publication that seeks poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction (in addition to art and photography). This publication has been in print and online since 2012 when it was founded by two writers, Matt Muth and Kodiak Armstrong. (New Letters: Market Spotlight.) The editors say, “We are an inclusive space for the best emerging and established writers. Seattle is our home base, and everything you’ve heard is true: The coffee is good, it rains a lot, and we have the best writing community in the US. Writers from all backgrounds, races, orientations, occupations, and sports […]
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