WD Podcasts / 3 posts found

Writer’s Digest Presents: Debut Authors (Podcast, Episode 3)

In this third episode of the Writer’s Digest Presents podcast, Amy, Robert, Moriah, and Michael discuss debut authors, including whether hunt down debut authors specifically, how they discover new voices, and their favorite books by debut authors (see recommended books below). Advice for Debut Authors from the WD editors: “Don’t look at the reviews.” -Amy Jones “Don’t hide your enthusiasm about your writing and what you love. Don’t feel like you have to act like you’ve been there or that you’re too cool. My favorite debut authors that I work with as an editor are the ones who are coming […]

Writer’s Digest Presents: Flash Writing (Podcast, Episode 2)

In the second episode of the Writer’s Digest Presents podcast, Amy, Robert, Moriah, and Michael discuss flash fiction, short stories, and the origin of the February Flash Fiction Challenge. This includes sharing their own personal favorites and how reading short fiction is different than reading a novel. Then, Robert has a conversation about flash nonfiction with Gina Barreca, author or editor of more than 20 books, including Fast Funny Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction and They Used to Call Me Snow White But I Drifted: Women’s Strategic Use of Humor. Quote on writing flash pieces: “You have to see […]

Writer’s Digest Presents: Beginnings (Podcast, Episode 1)

We’re excited to share our new monthly podcast: Writer’s Digest Presents! In this inaugural episode, the WD team (Amy Jones, Robert Lee Brewer, Moriah Richard, and Michael Woodson) introduce themselves and chat about beginnings of stories and projects.  Then, Robert talks with mystery author and FundsForWriters editor C. Hope Clark about beginnings of projects, including her recent double book release of a new Craven County mystery series Murdered in Craven and Burned in Craven. Also, learn if Clark is a plotter or pantser. Quote: “You need to write religiously and not just here and there when you feel like it. […]
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