Your Story Competition / 2 posts found

Your Story #117

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MoMo Productions via Getty Images Prompt: Write a short story of 650 words or fewer based on the photo prompt above. You can be poignant, funny, witty, etc.; it is, after all, your story. Email your submission to with the subject line “Your Story 117.” No attachments, please. Include your name and mailing address. Entries without a name or mailing address with be disqualified. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to every entry we receive, due to volume. No confirmation emails will be sent out to confirm receipt of submission. But be assured all submissions received before entry deadline are considered […]

94 Your Story Writing Prompts

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For as long as I can remember, one of our guiding principles on the Writer’s Digest team has been that we’re writers helping other writers. As such, we love features that allow us to interact with other writers in their element. That’s what inspired one of our most popular features: Your Story. The idea behind Your Story is simple. We provide a prompt; several writers write a short story based off the prompt; and then, a winner is chosen (and published in Writer’s Digest magazine) from among the entries. (100 Creative Writing Prompts for Writers.) “I’m guessing the first one […]
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