LinkedIn Marketing / 7 posts found

14 LinkedIn Banner Examples to Inspire Your Own

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Recently, I came across the LinkedIn page of an unfamiliar brand. And as usual, my eyes went straight to the banner section first. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. But to my surprise, nothing was there. This business didn’t bother to upload a customized LinkedIn banner. And just like that, I lost interest and left, without checking out other sections of their page. If you created a LinkedIn company page without a customized banner, this is not good enough. Why? Because it lowers your credibility and can discourage people from following and engaging with your brand. To […]

How to Get and Give LinkedIn Endorsements

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LinkedIn profiles are the new resumes. LinkedIn shows your skills, featured projects, recommendations, and certifications, to name a few. So, you certainly want to emphasize these skills and ensure they are recognized as your strongest assets. LinkedIn endorsements help you do just that, alongside building credibility, authority, and trust in you as a professional. But how do you make someone endorse you? Messages like “Please endorse me” won’t do. You need something strong and irresistible — a solid foundation to base a strong pitch on. So, I dug into the trenches to find out the best strategies you can follow […]

The Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Marketing & Networking

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Did you know LinkedIn has over 774 million users across the globe? This metric alone makes the platform one of the top social networks today. Is your business using LinkedIn to its fullest potential to improve brand awareness, build your network, boost leads and conversions, and increase revenue? With new social networks sprouting up constantly, LinkedIn is a platform that’s often underutilized. The truth is, LinkedIn can be a powerful addition to your social media content strategy. This guide is chock full of LinkedIn tips you can begin implementing immediately to help you learn how to use the platform to […]

How to Generate Leads on LinkedIn in 2023, According to LinkedIn’s VP of Marketing

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LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful platform for growing both recognition and revenue as a B2B business.  In fact, audiences exposed to brand messages on LinkedIn are 6X more likely to convert, according to data from the social company.  But without a clear strategy in mind, the task of lead generation on LinkedIn can feel challenging. Which is why I sat down with Jim Habig, VP of Marketing at LinkedIn, to learn some of his key insights, as well as additional tips on how to use LinkedIn for lead generation in 2023 and beyond.  Skip to:  8 Tips for Generating Leads […]

22 LinkedIn Hacks That’ll Make You More Productive [SlideShare]

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. Once considered a social platform solely for networking, LinkedIn has proven itself invaluable for a wide range of other uses: marketing, recruiting, sales prospecting, hiring, and research, among others. There’s a lot you can do with LinkedIn, so getting up-to-speed on and nailing the basic functions is a worthwhile exercise in itself. But little did you know the social media platform also contains a variety of secret capabilities that can make you that much more efficient and effective. I’ll give an example. Want to send a […]

Virtual Vision: 5 New LinkedIn Features & How B2B Marketers Can Use Them To Succeed

What are the newest features on LinkedIn*, and how can B2B marketers best use them to attract, engage, and convert business professionals? As the world’s leading business social platform, Microsoft’s LinkedIn has released a surprising array of innovative new ways for B2B marketers and brands to build new connections and forge even stronger existing relationships. LinkedIn has undoubtedly witnessed numerous social platforms adding elements to attract B2B marketers, yet it remains the dominant player in the massive business sector. An important factor in LinkedIn’s continuing dominance and growth has been its steadfast determination to innovate with an abundance of new […]

What is the LinkedIn Pixel — and How Does it Work?

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Social media platform LinkedIn has more than 800 million members, and has carved out a niche for itself among giants like Facebook and Twitter for its ability to connect job seekers and employers across the globe. Less talked about, however, is the potential of this work-focused networking site for marketing, advertising, and sales opportunities. While it’s true that the primary purpose of LinkedIn is streamlining employment and recruitment efforts, the platform also supports more social connections and in turn, opens the door for targeted campaigns that speak to the needs of its specific user base. The challenge? Measuring the impact […]
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