Email Marketing / 44 posts found

Is Email Marketing Inbound or Outbound? 10 Examples & Top Differences

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In April 2024, HubSpot asked 537 email marketers across industries in the U.S. if email marketing was inbound or outbound — 51% said it was inbound, while 49% believed it to be outbound. It’s fascinating to see how opinions differ on this topic, even among professionals. As an experienced marketing leader, I’ve always approached email marketing with a blend of both perspectives. So, I’ll dive deep into what inbound and outbound emails are and how they differ. I’ll also share some examples and insights from other experts. Table of Contents What is inbound email marketing? What is outbound email marketing? […]

Boost Your Email List: 3 Easy Tactics to Expand Your Reach

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Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. What keeps you up at night? If one of those things is building an email list, you’re not alone, my friend. I spent years (and lost MANY thousands of dollars) procrastinating my own email list, and I know how to get to the other side. My name is Amy, and I’ve made a career out of helping businesses grow their online presence, especially through email marketing. To be able to work from anywhere in the world, create my own […]

7 Ways to Grow Your Email List (and Your Revenue) in 2024

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Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. If you want to double your sales, you need to double your email list. Your list is a direct line of contact to reach the people who are interested in what you have to offer and an asset that you own and control. Serving an engaged email list, no matter the size, is a tried and tested game changer for business growth, launching new offers, and ensuring your content is seen by the audience it’s made for! Over a […]

5 Psychological Tactics to Write Better Emails

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Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. I’ve tested 100s of psychological tactics on my email subscribers. In this blog, I reveal the five tactics that actually work. You’ll learn about the email tactic that got one marketer a job at the White House. You’ll learn how I doubled my 5 star reviews with one email, and why one strange email from Barack Obama broke all records for donations. 5 Psychological Tactics to Write Better Emails Imagine writing an email that’s so effective it lands you […]

How to Use the P.S. in Email

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As a copywriting tactic, the postscript (P.S.) has made its way from standard direct mail copy to email marketing copy. With the right approach, all companies need is two paragraphs, a few links, and a P.S. to effectively communicate their message, create urgency, and drive conversions. What is a P.S. in email? The P.S. is a sentence or a paragraph added after the main body and signature of a letter (or other body of writing). The term comes from the Latin post scriptum, an expression meaning “written after.” It takes the same form in an email. By adding a small […]

Email Marketing Audit — The Complete Guide

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Increased open rates, click-throughs, and sales: If you want these results, running an email marketing audit can help you get there. That’s why I’ve teamed up with six email marketing experts to help you create an audit of your own. Together, we cover: What is an email marketing audit? The Benefits of Email Marketing Audits The Anatomy of an Email Marketing Audit How to Conduct an Email Marketing Audit Tips for Conducting an Email Marketing Audit What is an email marketing audit? An email marketing audit means checking in with your email strategy, campaigns, and overall account health. Like a […]

Email Marketing for Hotels — How to Get It Right

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The hospitality industry faces a number of obstacles and opportunities in regard to marketing, with one of the greatest puzzles being email marketing. Email marketing for hotels is a unique challenge: there can be varying customer acquisition periods, low retention rates, and the difficulty of convincing someone to purchase a once-in-a-lifetime experience more than once. From budget accommodations offering a port in a storm to luxury hotels offering bucket-list experiences, hotels have a lot to gain by leveraging email marketing successfully. As a digital nomad, I have a greater appreciation for quality hotel email marketing than the average person. As […]

12 Email Marketing Trends Marketers Should Know [According to My Inbox]

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I send HubSpot’s Marketing Blog email newsletter daily (a not-so-subtle reminder to subscribe). So, it’s my job to keep a pulse on the latest email marketing trends. As a marketer, I often stay on top of trends by reading up on marketing news, but when it comes to email, there’s a much simpler method — scanning my inbox. I subscribe to a ridiculous amount of email lists, and while seeing 54,188 (and counting) unread emails on my phone is a little hair-raising, it provides a large pool of emails to draw from to find trends that stick out. So, without […]

How to Create a Landing Page: The Ultimate Guide

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As a marketer, I understand the importance of landing pages. A landing page can be the designated page visitors are taken to when they click on an ad. It can also be the page that follows a call-to-action button or serve as the homepage of a website. Regardless of how my audience “lands” on a landing page, it encourages them to convert to a lead or customer. Hence, landing pages are uniquely powerful components of a business’s digital marketing strategy. What is a landing page? A landing page is a website page with a specific purpose — the objective of […]

16 Best Email Previewing, Testing, & Rendering Tools

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You know the expression, “What you see is what you get”? Well, when it comes to email marketing campaigns, that might not always be the case. In this post, we’ll discuss the best free and paid email testing, previewing, and rendering tools you can use to make sure your emails are ready for the eyes of your leads and customers. What is an email previewer? An email previewer is a tool that helps you preview your messages before sending them to your list. Previewing your messages ensures your emails are professional, error-free, easy to read, and ready for your leads […]
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