Ecommerce Marketing / 9 posts found

Consumer Confidence: What It is & How It Works

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Every time I visit my favorite coffee shop, the barista gives me a smile, nods, and brings my go-to order in a few minutes. It’s a relationship built on trust and loyalty. Imagine if all your customers felt the same about your brand. In crowded markets where buyers are spoilt for choice, gaining consumer confidence can help you become a trusted name. This confidence will ultimately influence buying decisions and drive business growth. In this article, I’ll explain consumer confidence and provide actionable tips for increasing this index for your business. We’ll cover: What is consumer confidence? How is consumer […]

TikTok Shop: What It Is, How to Launch One & How to Market One

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I was scrolling through the “For You” page on TikTok when something caught my eye — a TikTok from the clothing brand Foxblood showcasing a black, flowy mesh cloak. I’d actually been searching for a cloak and while this piece of clothing did not fit the bill completely, I’d still wear it. Intrigued, I clicked on the shop link, which took me to the product description within the app. TikTok made it easy for me to check out the product and add it to my cart. I also instantly saw suggestions for more products from the shop and a chat option […]

How to Make Your Brand Stand Out When Amazon’s Your Marketing Competitor

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Last week, I was looking for a new yoga mat on Amazon. Being someone who plays it safe, I usually go for Amazon Basics. So, I found a lovely blue mat for about 20 dollars and added it to my cart. I almost entered my card details when I spotted a beautiful purple mat with a similar price and great reviews. Despite all the awesomeness, I hesitated because the brand was unfamiliar. But curiosity got the best of me, so I checked out the seller’s site. The offer and number of positive comments were too good to pass up. Finally, […]

14 Ecommerce Trends to Expect in 2024

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As an Etsy shop owner, I like to think my products alone are enough for customers to click “buy.” Yet, it could be my two-day shipping guarantee. Or my product videos on TikTok. Or the sustainable packaging. My point is this: offering a great product is essential, but it’s not enough to move inventory. You need to build a positive shopping experience around your product. A big part of this is embracing the latest ecommerce trends. In 2024, there’s a whole lineup of new trends that could kickstart major growth for your ecommerce company — and we’ve chosen the top […]

Ecommerce Conversion Rates Across Industries (And How to Raise Yours)

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Ecommerce conversion rates are the ultimate top-line metric for online store owners. With this data, you can see if the changes you make to your site positively or negatively impact how many visitors become customers. Although crucial, there’s often confusion around what’s considered a reasonable conversion rate. Before you evaluate if your ecommerce conversion rate is good or bad, you must evaluate how your performance measures against your industry’s standard. In this article, you’ll learn the ins and outs of ecommerce conversion rates, conversion rate benchmarks across industries, and how you can improve your results. Let’s dig in. For example, […]

How to Send Effective Order Confirmation Emails [Examples + Template]

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Order confirmation emails have a 65% open rate, the highest average open rate of all emails. Optimizing these emails is a sure way to get more eyes on your brand. Beyond brand-building, email confirmations bring peace of mind to your valued customers by verifying that a transaction on your website was successful. Without this confirmation, your customers may feel confused. The consequence is a shaky brand experience and potentially an increase in inquiries for your customer service team. Let’s explore how you can optimize your confirmation emails with actionable examples and templates. In this article, you’ll explore: Confirmation Email Best […]

The 13 Best Abandoned Cart Emails To Win Back Customers

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It was a Saturday night, around 11 PM, and I was innocently scrolling on Amazon to look for a gift for my best friend’s birthday. But then, it happened. I had an impulse to purchase everything. The female empowerment mug? The wine tumbler? The pillow that said “Nap Queen”? I wanted it all. I added everything I liked to my cart, but bailed once I realized the total had reached $200. My hesitation to check out triggered abandoned cart emails which attempted to persuade me to make the purchase. Abandoned cart emails are one way to convert lost business and […]

How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan [Examples & Template]

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If you have a promising idea for an online ecommerce business, it’s important to create an ecommerce business plan to ensure your vision has enough stock to be profitable. Having a business plan for your online store will help you define your target market, establish your monthly and quarterly sales goals, and increase the likelihood of long-term ecommerce success. In this post, we’ll go over what an online store business plan is and how you can create one for your ecommerce startup. Let’s get started. Whether a company operates as a startup or has years of operations and growth under […]

10 Best Online Payment Methods for Businesses

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Online payment solutions are essential for just about any type of business. Booking and making payments online is convenient for many consumers, so it’s important to make sure your business is keeping up. Small businesses, startups, and even massive corporations can all benefit by offering online payments to consumers, but how can you securely accept different forms of payments? For global businesses, what if you need to accept multiple currencies? The solution is to find a trusted, reliable online payment method platform that makes the customer experience seamless while giving you more control over and insight into your income. For […]
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