Recruiting Tips / 12 posts found

10 Creative Company Profile Examples to Inspire You [+ 12 Templates]

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As a content creator, I know brand identity is everything. My audience wants to know what makes me different, why I create content, why they should trust the information I put out, and why I might promote a product or service. The same is true for companies. In addition to the information above, people who find your company online want to know about your mission, vision, and how you can help them solve their problems. The best way to convey all this and establish a solid brand identity is to do what I did with my own website — create […]

10 Creative Company Profile Examples to Inspire You [Templates]

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What do your customers know about you? Do they know you sell products and have a website? That’s not always enough to build a brand identity that resonates with buyers and establishes your brand as the right choice.  People who find you online want to know about your company’s mission, vision, and, of course, how you can help them solve their problems. And, an impactful and memorable first impression can help you stand out in the digital world. How can you make sure that they have all that information at their fingertips? Well, a company profile is the perfect tool […]

How to Recruit Top Talent Using an Inbound Framework

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Inbound marketing is all about building a relationship with prospects before they make a purchase. So what is inbound recruitment? Like inbound marketing, inbound recruitment relies on attracting candidates with blog posts, social media, videos, and webinars. Potential future employees can learn about your brand from this content before a position even opens. Once there’s a job that’s a good fit, engaged candidates that already know about your company apply for positions. Find out how this recruiting strategy combines the best marketing principles and recruiting methods to help attract top talent. Table of Contents What is inbound recruitment? Inbound Recruiting […]

What Draws Marketing Talent to Company Careers Pages [New Data]

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You can create job listings and career pages explaining your company values and giving in-depth information, but what you create might differ from what marketers look for during their job hunts. We surveyed marketing job seekers to ask them where they go to find job listings and what attracts them to company career pages so you can learn from their insight and optimize your pages to attract talent. Where do marketers find job listings? Survey respondents primarily reported that they find jobs on job listing sites like Indeed and Glassdoor. They also visit LinkedIn and find jobs via Google search. […]

Employer Branding: What It Is and How To Build It for Your Business

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A company’s reputation matters more than ever during a job seeker’s search, as 86% of workers would not apply for, or continue to work for, a company with a bad reputation with former employees or the general public. Ultimately, you spend plenty of time creating a compelling brand story surrounding your products or services, but how do you build a strong employer brand that attracts top talent? Here, we’ll explore what employer branding means, examples of good employer branding, and how you can implement your employer branding strategy today. Table of Contents:  What Is Employer Branding? Why Is Employer Branding […]

15 Hiring Trends to Watch in 2023 [Marketing Leader Data]

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This past year we’ve seen the effects of the pandemic in labor shortages, the Great Resignation, and signs of another recession — now’s the time to rethink recruitment and hiring strategy for 2023. While we can’t predict the future, we can identify and interpret the biggest hiring trends we’ve seen emerging at the tail end of 2022. In this post, we’ll go through the most talked about topics that can improve your hiring strategy and get your business off to a great start. Recruitment Strategy Trends 1. Economic uncertainties will affect hiring. As a possible recession looms and inflation rises, […]

How Full-Cycle Recruiting Can Improve Your Recruitment Process

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Job vacancies can cost a company an average of $500 per day. Companies can save money, improve the quality of their hires, eliminate communication gaps, and increase accountability during the recruitment process by implementing a full-cycle recruitment strategy. The full-cycle recruitment process is managed by a single full-cycle recruiter or full-cycle recruiting agency. Full-Cycle Recruiting Process The full-cycle recruiting process includes six stages: preparing, sourcing, screening, selecting, hiring, and onboarding. Preparing The first stage of the full-cycle recruiting process is the preparing stage. A recruiter will begin this stage by working with a hiring manager to identify a hiring need […]

9 Creative Company Profile Examples to Inspire You [Templates]

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What do your customers really know about you? Do they know that you sell products and have a website? That’s not enough to build a brand identity that resonates with buyers and establishes your brand as the right choice. In the digital world, an impactful first impression can make you stand out among the enormous amount of content out there. Being memorable is hard, but worth it if you want a brand that will resonate with customers, colleagues, and investors. People who find you online want to know about your company’s mission, vision, and, of course, how you can help […]

Job Simulations: What They Are and Why Recruiters Need Them

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Recruiting or hiring the right talent is essential to the growth of any business. However, it’s not always easy to find the right person. Most times, it feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack-like heap of CVs, with each new one looking better than the last. Sorting through these CVs often requires a ton of time and effort — without the guarantee of picking the right candidate. You can make things easier for yourself and increase your chances of picking the right candidate by using job simulations. In this guide, you’ll learn what job simulations mean. We’ll […]

Is Internal Recruitment Good for Business?

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During my days as a journalist, I saw many different forms of recruitment take place. It was common to see reporters and photographers recruited from all over the country to work with the team. It was also common to see employees move to different positions internally. A reporter could go from reporting outside to producing a show in-house. Associate producers could rise in rank and become executive producers. This type of internal recruitment isn’t common only in newsrooms. Many companies recruit from their current roster of employers rather than recruit externally. Internal recruitment is often faster and less time consuming. […]
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