Brand Experience / 9 posts found

13 Examples of Experiential Marketing Campaigns That’ll Give You Serious Event Envy

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When it comes to work events, trade shows, or promotional campaigns, they can really be hit or miss. It’s not solely the product that motivates people to come back to a brand, but rather the way they experience it. This is where experiential marketing comes in. While a surprising number of people haven’t heard of the concept, it’s kind of a big deal — 77% of marketers use experiential marketing as a vital part of a brand’s advertising strategy. In this post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into what experiential marketing is and share 14 of the coolest campaigns […]

How to Identify a Brand Character for Your Company

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When it comes to branding, one of the most important aspects is creating a brand character. This is the personality that represents your company. It can be helpful to think of this as an actor who plays your company’s role in all marketing materials and communications. But how do you identify what this character should be? And once you’ve identified it, how do you design it? In this article, we’ll explore these questions and provide some examples of well-designed brand characters. What is a brand character? A brand character is the personality of your company. It’s how you want people […]

What is Interactive Marketing [+ 15 Inventive Examples]

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The content formats we rely on today have an uncanny resemblance to the content formats we relied on yesterday — our blog posts look like print articles, our offers look like books, and our slide decks look like presentations. While these formats are fine for the most part, marketers can take their content from “fine” to “exceptional” by using interactive marketing.  Interactive marketing gives marketers a huge opportunity to engage audiences at record levels. Its early adopters have proven that if marketers want to cut through the noise, they can’t just do what they’ve always been doing. They need to […]

Visual Identity Systems: What They Are & Why They Matter

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When we build a brand, we build an experience that reflects a purpose. Visual identity is a huge part of this brand experience. Colors, graphics, and fonts turn brand concepts into visual identities that can be recognized. Once a brand is established, it needs to become a recognizable identity that the external world can perceive. This recognition comes with consistency, and achieving that consistency requires a strong visual identity system. To create a visual identity system, you need all the visual elements that the brand has. The visual identity system’s basics are a strong brand guide and its implementation tasks. […]

How to Make a QR Code in 5 Easy Steps

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Floors. Ceilings. Bathroom stall doors. These are just a few of the places you’ll find QR codes. In fact, they’ve become so ever-present that 45% of shoppers used marketing-related QR codes in 2021. There’s no denying the popularity and convenience of the QR code. But, what exactly is it? Why is it so popular? How can you create one for your next marketing campaign? Keep reading to learn the magic behind QR codes and how to create your own. QR codes typically look like this: Not every QR code is shaped like a perfect square. Sometimes they have unique patterns, […]

What Is Brand Essence? 5 Examples

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If you had to describe yourself in less than five words, what would you say? For people, these words are the foundation of a personality. But for companies, they refer to the brand essence. All successful businesses have a core spirit that makes up the soul of the brand. At Dyson, it’s efficiency. At Disney, it’s magic. Defining brand essence is essential for building a cohesive brand identity, creating impactful marketing campaigns, and connecting with customers. Considering that over 75% of consumers buy from brands that share the same values, it’s important for companies to signal what matters most to […]

12 Unique Ways to Generate Leads With QR Codes

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If you watched the 2022 Super Bowl, you might have been one of the millions of people who scanned the QR code featured in the ad from cryptocurrency platform Coinbase.  When scanning the code, you were sent to a page that offered you $15 just for downloading and signing up for Coinbase. The 1-minute Coinbase ad slot, which showed the QR code floating around the screen and inching closer to lining up with the corner of the screen perfectly, was so successful that the Coinbase app and website completely crashed. Here’s a look at what HubSpot blogger Pamela Bump saw […]

Everything You Need to Know about Brand Experience

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Online sales are reaching all-time highs as buyers become more comfortable with digital transactions — in 2021, for example, consumers spent a collective $14 billion online across Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For businesses, the shift to online-first purchasing offers substantive potential, but also underpins prospective problems: As the number of digital product offerings ramps up, competition for customer conversions is also on the rise. The result? A battlefield for brand experience. If companies can create a lasting positive impression among potential customers, they can drive sales and set the stage for long-term loyalty. But what exactly is brand experience? […]

How to Come Up With a Brand Name [+Where 3 of Our Favorites Came From]

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Coming up with a brand name is one of the most important steps in starting a business. A well-thought-out name can propel your company forward, and the wrong name can become a marketing nightmare. Where would Amazon be today if it stuck with its original name, Cadabra? Oftentimes, founders think they know what makes a good brand name. But choosing a vague reference or visionary ideal (like Cadabra) for a name can confuse customers. Naming a brand isn’t as simple as creating a made-up word or picking a name that looks great on paper. Fortunately, setting up a brand naming […]
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