Google Ads / 9 posts found

Google Ads Intelligence: How to Use Google Ads AI for Your Next Campaign

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Google Ads is the world’s largest PPC advertising platform. If used effectively, you can generate significant profit for companies. But wrapping your head around it can be hard. Google Ads requires a lot of testing and experimentation. Or, at least, it did until now. Google Ads has recently launched a conversational experience for advertisers, which lets users create their ads by using text prompts. However, Google Ads Intelligence, as it’s broadly known, offers way more than just being an interactive campaign builder. In this post, I explain what Google Ads Intelligence is, the key features it includes, and Google Ads […]

How to Get a Google Ads Certification

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Google Ads is one of the most effective advertising tools to get more traffic to your website, and generate more leads. In fact, it’s estimated that for every $1 a business spends on an ad, generate $8 in profits. To create better, more powerful ads on Google, it can be helpful to receive a Google Ads certificate. Additionally, it’s a great resume booster. If you want a Google Ads certificate, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we‘ve created a guide that’ll explain why a Google Ads certification is helpful, and how you can prepare and get certified. And if […]

Social Media SEO: 10 Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

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Often, social media and SEO conversations happen separately. Social media is meant for building relationships and engaging with your audience, while SEO seems more scientific, with specific keyword analyses to attract as many eyes as possible. However, these two facets of inbound marketing can work together to amplify the results of each other. In this blog, you’ll realize that compromise is in sight. This guide will help any marketer integrate their efforts across both platforms. Below we’ll cover the following topics: Now you know the difference between social media and SEO. So, let’s dive into social media SEO. What is […]

Impression Share: What it is and How to Improve it

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Online advertising is booming. But, when you’re launching digital campaigns, you want to be sure you’re maximizing your efforts — and your profits — by boosting your ad’s impression share. Your impression share tells you how well your ad is performing compared to its total potential audience, and boosting it can help increase engagement as well as profit.  If you’re only engaging a small portion of your target audience, then analyzing your impression share is usually a good place to start. Increasing this value will help you propel ads to the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) — […]

AdWords vs. AdSense: We Break Down the Differences

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When it comes to generating traffic and brand awareness, digital advertising is the way to go. It’s surpassing traditional advertising, and Google is a huge reason why. As one of the biggest digital advertising platforms, Google is responsible for 37.2% of total U.S. digital ad spending alone. But how can you take advantage of the advertising opportunities on Google? By knowing how each of its programs — Google Ads and Google AdSense — work and evaluating which is right for you (or both). In this article, we’ll cover: Google Ads (Search and Display) Google AdSense The Differences Between Them What […]

How to Use Google Ads Keyword Planner, According to 5 Specialists

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When I used to work for a digital marketing agency, one of my responsibilities was to write blog content for our clients. To do this, some SEO research was required because we wanted to improve organic traffic. So, I did keyword research to figure out what the target audience wanted to read about. I was able to use the keywords to brainstorm topic ideas and pillar pages, while also creating a list of keywords we could target. That’s why Google ads keyword planner is an important tool for marketers. Essentially, the Google ads keyword planner is a free resource you […]

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Examples]

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If you’re considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your target audience, you’d better spend it in the right place. That is, somewhere with over 2.9 billion unique monthly visitors and 5 billion daily interactions. Somewhere like Google. Google Ads was launched just two years after what has become the most popular website in the world: The advertising platform came on the scene in October 2000 as Google Adwords, but after some rebranding in 2018, it was renamed Google Ads. Given Google’s expansive reach, chances are you’ve seen (and probably clicked on) a Google ad, and […]

Everything You Need To Know About Keyword Match Types

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Google’s keyword match types ensure that the money you spend on your Google Ad campaigns is well spent, ensuring you don’t waste money drawing in unqualified traffic that is not likely to do business with you. Read on to learn more about the different keyword match types for PPC ads, the type of traffic they generate, and how to use them. Keyword Match Types There are four different keyword match types for Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match. The image below shows the syntax for using each type, what queries your ad will appear in […]

How to Use Custom Affinity Audiences: From Creation to Stellar ROI

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Reaching the right customers with your Google Ads campaigns is critical to increase conversions. While it’s possible that scattershot advertisements could catch the interest of Internet users, it’s far more likely that this general ad approach will result in a disconnect between dollars spent and sales made. To help ensure your ads are reaching the people in the right place, it’s worth leveraging a function in the Google Display Network (GDN) known as affinity audiences. Using these audiences helps pinpoint customer segments that may be more likely to purchase your products, in turn driving more effective and efficient ad spend. […]
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