A/B Testing / 9 posts found
How to Understand & Calculate Statistical Significance [+ Example]
Recently, I was preparing to send an important bottom-of-funnel (BOFU) email to our audience. I had two subject lines and couldn‘t decide which one would perform better. Naturally, I thought, “Let’s A/B test them!” However, our email marketer quickly pointed out a limitation I hadn’t considered: At first, this seemed counterintuitive. Surely 5,000 subscribers was enough to run a simple test between two subject lines? This conversation led me down a fascinating rabbit hole into the world of statistical significance and why it matters so much in marketing decisions. While tools like HubSpot’s free statistical significance calculator can make the […]
How The Hustle Got 43,876 More Clicks
Last quarter, newsletter giant The Hustle ran a test that earned 43,876 additional clicks in their emails. Not 44,000 total. 44,000 more. If you’re like me, you’d do terrible things for that kind of engagement. So I banged on their managing editor’s door and demanded to know his secrets. Thankfully, the process is simple and repeatable — no terrible things required. So put down that crowbar, because I’m going to share a process that you can start today. The How-To That They Do Ben Berkley, the managing editor of The Hustle, perpetually sports an impish grin. Which is fitting, because […]
What Most Brands Miss With User Testing (That Costs Them Conversions)
I’m an inclusive marketing consultant and the founder of Thompson Media Group. A former client of mine recently forwarded me an email he’d received from a market insights company he’s subscribed to. The insights the company had included in this particular email was about “The Top 5 Ranked TV Sitcoms in U.S. History” according to consumers. My client’s message to me was one of disbelief at the results, writing, “According to who?”. He couldn’t believe a representative base of respondents came up with the very homogenous top 5 list. For my client, his questioning the results presented in the email […]
Multivariate Testing: How It Differs From A/B Testing
There’s seemingly no end to what you can test in your marketing — conversion rates, offer placements, and even which titles perform better. There’s also no end to the type of test you can run, but two players take center stage: A/B and multivariate testing. Is there a huge difference between them, though? And will my results be affected if I choose the wrong one? Yes, there is a difference, and yes, your results will be affected. Not to fear, though; in this post, we’re going to break down the difference between A/B tests and multivariate tests and tell you […]
How to A/B Test Your Pricing (And Why It Might Be a Bad Idea)
A/B testing the pricing for your product is a little bit like Goldilocks. Too high, and you could alienate the majority of your potential customers. Too low, and you won’t have enough revenue to sustain your business. So how do you get it just right? That‘s what we’re going to explore in this post. We’ll give you the ins and outs of A/B testing your pricing, plus some alternatives to A/B testing your pricing strategy. Product pricing is undeniably one of the most important decisions for your company. Your price can determine how consumers see you in the marketplace— as […]
11 A/B Testing Examples From Real Businesses
Whether you’re looking to increase revenue, sign-ups, social shares, or engagement, A/B testing and optimization can help you get there. But for many marketers out there, the tough part about A/B testing is often finding the right test to drive the biggest impact — especially when you’re just getting started. So, what’s the recipe for high-impact success? Truthfully, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe. What works for one business won’t work for another — and finding the right metrics and timing to test can be a tough problem to solve. That’s why you need inspiration from A/B testing examples. In this […]
15 of the Best A/B Testing Tools for 2023
Every company has a unique set of customers, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for designing an optimal website, crafting the most compelling copy, or building the most effective product. This is where A/B testing tools come in, where you can use them to test and optimize your website or app design, copy, product, and, most importantly, create an experience tailored to customer needs. Read on to discover high-quality A/B testing tools that will help you discover what your unique set of customers prefers. What makes a great A/B testing tool? Before we jump into the top A/B testing tools, let’s […]
How to Determine Your A/B Testing Sample Size & Time Frame
Do you remember your first A/B test you ran? I do. (Nerdy, I know.) I felt simultaneously thrilled and terrified because I knew I had to actually use some of what I learned in college for my job. There were some aspects of A/B testing I still remembered — for instance, I knew you need a big enough sample size to run the test on, and you need to run the test long enough to get statistically significant results. But … that’s pretty much it. I wasn’t sure how big was “big enough” for sample sizes and how long was […]
How to Do A/B Testing: 15 Steps for the Perfect Split Test
When marketers like us create landing pages, write email copy, or design call-to-action buttons, it can be tempting to use our intuition to predict what will make people click and connect. However, you’re much better off conducting A/B testing than basing marketing decisions off of a “feeling”, as this can be detrimental to your results. Keep reading to learn how to conduct the entire A/B testing process before, during, and after data collection so you can make the best decisions from your results. A/B testing can be valuable because different audiences behave, well, differently. Something that works for one company […]