B2B Marketing / 47 posts found

47 B2B Marketing Stats to Know This Year [+HubSpot Data]

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Remember the story about Plato’s cave? Here’s a refresher. One group of people lives in a cave only sees shadows; the philosopher who escapes can see things for what they are. That’s somewhat how it feels when making conclusions about B2B marketing without the right stats. You simply have no ground to stand on, no lifeline to grab, before the naysayers and doubters sway your decision-making and alter the success of your strategies. With data, you’re able to see the big picture. Buckle up, leave your preconceived notions about B2B marketing at the entrance, and let’s get into the nitty-gritty. […]

The Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing in 2023 [+ New Data]

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Effective marketing is difficult to get right. Between creative demands, budget limits, and channel decisions, marketers have a lot to juggle when developing their marketing strategy. The biggest determinant of effective marketing, however, is your audience. If you’re not properly targeting your buyer persona, your promotions and advertisements will likely fall on deaf ears. You might as well not be marketing at all. Where target audiences vary the most, though, is between individual consumers and businesses. Some companies serve individual shoppers, while others cater to companies and organizations. Marketing to businesses is very different from marketing to individual consumers. That’s […]

Optimize for Success with A B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy Checklist

The post Optimize for Success with A B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy Checklist appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

Survey Says: 2022 B2B Marketing Insight From Social Media Polls

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What are the key areas in the B2B marketing industry where professionals see a need to adapt to meet new challenges? One straightforward way to gauge the pulse of the industry is by asking, and social media polls can offer a uniquely helpful look into the concerns of B2B marketers. We’ve tapped into our own social media audience poll data to see the outlook B2B marketing professionals have when it comes to important marketing issues including tactics, platforms, events, and more. For nearly three years we’ve run regular social media polls on our Twitter and LinkedIn* pages, and the insight […]

Does B2B Influencer Marketing REALLY Work?

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The post Does B2B Influencer Marketing REALLY Work? appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

Virtual Vision: 5 New LinkedIn Features & How B2B Marketers Can Use Them To Succeed

What are the newest features on LinkedIn*, and how can B2B marketers best use them to attract, engage, and convert business professionals? As the world’s leading business social platform, Microsoft’s LinkedIn has released a surprising array of innovative new ways for B2B marketers and brands to build new connections and forge even stronger existing relationships. LinkedIn has undoubtedly witnessed numerous social platforms adding elements to attract B2B marketers, yet it remains the dominant player in the massive business sector. An important factor in LinkedIn’s continuing dominance and growth has been its steadfast determination to innovate with an abundance of new […]

Fast-Forward: 4 Business Problems Solved by B2B Content Marketing

For B2B business, the pandemic was a magnifying glass pointing out the cracks in systems. We discovered just how fast digital transformation can be when our livelihoods are on the line. We found that global supply chains aren’t as resilient as we thought. We found that remote work is far more viable an option than we’d been led to believe. None of these realizations were brand new — we were just able to see them clearly for the first time.  The same is true of B2B buyer behavior. When we talk about how the pandemic changed B2B sales and marketing, […]

B2B Marketers on the Move: Springing Forward With Fresh Leadership Opportunities

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The B2B marketing landscape consists of rapid-fire changes, accompanies by growth that often happens so fast that it can sometimes be difficult to fully appreciate. For more than 20 years TopRank Marketing has been honored to help a wide array of the world’s top B2B marketers and brands elevate and go beyond merely being competitive, to standing out from the crowd with a variety of creative, award-winning successes. In this spirit, we regularly take the time to congratulate and honor business marketers, thought leaders, industry influencers as well as our own talented team members who have recently advanced in their […]

5 Ways to Build B2B Content That Resonates With Your Audience, and Why They Work

B2B marketing has a content problem: there’s more of it all the time… and the people we actually want reading it have started tuning it all out. We can’t exactly stop the content deluge (look, we’re even contributing to it right now!), so instead we’ve got to figure out: Why are decision makers tuning out content? How can we keep them from tuning out ours? Why isn’t B2B content resonating? LinkedIn-Edelman helped answer this first question in their 2021 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Their conclusions aren’t really all that surprising. Decision makers can really appreciate good thought leadership content […]

Ongoing Optimization: Strategic SEO Tips For B2B Marketers In 2022

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How can B2B marketers improve their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and focus in the fast and furious digital landscape of 2022? The search marketing arena has always been one of swift changes, and keeping up-to-date with ever-shifting SEO machinations and technical search intricacies can be more than a handful even for top B2B optimization professionals. Don’t let the complexities that SEO efforts sometimes entail deter you, however, as there are still bountiful and easy-to-achieve benefits for the B2B marketer in many aspects of optimization. Let’s jump right in and take a look at some of the SEO tactics B2B […]
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