Copywriting / 7 posts found

On Writing a Tagline (and Pitching It, Too)

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Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. Peggy, Lou, and Dawn are characters on Mad Men, the 60s period drama about one of Madison Avenue’s most prestigious, albeit fictional, advertising agencies. Peggy is one of the firm’s copywriters, responsible for writing (and pitching) ad copy. Lou is her boss, the creative director. Dawn, a secretary, keeps everyone organized. The trio are meeting about a new account, a watch company called Accutron. “Oh,” says Peggy. She’s looking at Lou. “You didn’t pick a tagline.” “Sure, I did.” […]

100+ of My Favorite Halloween Puns As a Marketer [Inspired by Real Campaigns]

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I love a good pun. Okay, who am I kidding? I’m a big fan of the bad ones, too. Halloween is the perfect holiday for marketers to get creative and let that punny side shine. That’s why I’ve taken it u-PUN myself to create this PUN-believable list of puns to use in your marketing campaigns this spooky season. The Ultimate List of Halloween Puns for Marketers In each of the categories below, I’ve selected my favorite marketing halloween puns from 2023 and included some additional ideas for inspiration. Find un-BOO-lievably creative halloween puns for: Marketing Campaigns Discounts and Product Offers […]

Copywriting 101: 15 Traits of Excellent Copy Readers Will Remember

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Mad Men fans everywhere remember the pivotal first scene where we learn just how talented Don Draper is at his job. Faced with an almost-impossible copywriting task, he rose to the occasion to solve a huge problem for his client, Lucky Strike. In spite of research warning customers of the dangers of cigarettes, Draper delivered the iconic slogan — “It’s toasted” — to differentiate the brand from its competitors. Now, we definitely aren’t advocating for smoking cigarettes (or many of Draper’s health choices). But fictional or not, you can’t deny the memorability and catchiness of that tagline. It’s easy to […]

10 Common Copywriting Templates to Use in Marketing

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Ask any marketer responsible for copywriting about their writing process. You’ll quickly find out there’s no specific process to follow and little to no copywriting templates to guide you. Additionally, copywriting varies depending on your audience, purpose, and format. Copywriting for an Instagram post, for instance, is entirely different from copywriting for a blog post. At HubSpot, we know the struggle. Copywriting demands creativity, inspiration, and hard work, and it can be difficult to find all three, day-in and day-out. To help with writer’s block, we’ve put together a list of copywriting templates you might use for any of your […]

25 Copywriting Portfolio Examples That Will Secure Your Next Gig

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If you’re reading this blog, you’ve likely decided to start or revamp your copywriting portfolio. With so many portfolios out there, it’s hard to figure out how to make yours stand out from the crowd. What colors should you use? What kind of writing samples will show off your skills? Fortunately, I’ve put together a collection of copywriting portfolio examples that are sure to inspire you and guide you in the right direction. Each copywriting portfolio example I’ve included is unique in terms of color, layout, and personality — highlighting the various ways you can approach putting a portfolio together […]

11 Website Copywriting Tips to Increase Conversions in 2022

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A 2022 State of Content Marketing report by SEMrush revealed that 40% of brands surveyed say they outsource copywriting. If you fall in the 60% and want to improve your copywriting skills, we’re here to help. Web copy can make the difference between a visitor and a lead. It plays an integral role for consumers at every stage of the buying cycle, from awareness to decision making and advocacy. Below, you’ll find tips on how to write compelling copy. Most marketers can identify poor web copy when they see it. Why? Because poor web copy doesn’t read smoothly, stir emotions, […]

11 Conversion Copywriting Tips that Grew Our Revenue by 240%, According to Lately’s CEO

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As marketers, we write copy daily: For landing pages, social media posts, email newsletters, you name it. And this content isn’t just supposed to sound pretty — it’s also supposed to be powerful enough to convert visitors into sales. In fact, as of 2022, over 60% of marketers measure the success of their content through sales. That’s no small feat. If you’re stuck in a writing rut or unsure how to use conversion copywriting to increase sales, you’re in luck. Here, I sat down with Lately’s CEO, Kate Bradley Chernis, to discuss the 11 tips that enabled her and her team […]
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