Digital Marketing / 292 posts found

The Ultimate Guide to Using Google Ads for Your Business

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Whether you are looking to increase traffic to your website, improve your brand’s online presence, or grow inquiries about your products or services, Google Ads is a powerful tool that can accomplish all these goals plus more. Google ads are an effective method of driving relevant, qualified traffic to your website, exactly when people are … The post The Ultimate Guide to Using Google Ads for Your Business appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

8 Tips For Choosing The Right E-commerce Web Design Agency

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Whether you are planning to start an online business or have only been selling products through your brick-and-mortar store, you will want to have an e-commerce website in Singapore at some point. While you can easily set up one by following YouTube online tutorials, will it be better than the work of an e-commerce web … The post 8 Tips For Choosing The Right E-commerce Web Design Agency appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

A Constructive Guide to Developing an AI-Based Marketing Strategy

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Artificial intelligence is a top digital marketing trend in 2022; it has become mainstream across many different industries. Also known as AI, it has already made a huge difference in how brands interact with their audience. Artificial intelligence has been around for several years but is growing year by year, making it a significant part … The post A Constructive Guide to Developing an AI-Based Marketing Strategy appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

TikTok Allows 10-Minute Videos Now: The New TikTok Update

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TikTok announced this month that it’s updating the maximum length of videos on its platform from three minutes to ten. Sophia Cohen, Head of Influencer Marketing at Moburst, discusses some of the recent changes made to the TikTok platform.  What Is the Big TikTok Update? The update is a big deal because TikTok has always … The post TikTok Allows 10-Minute Videos Now: The New TikTok Update appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Virtual Vision: 5 New LinkedIn Features & How B2B Marketers Can Use Them To Succeed

What are the newest features on LinkedIn*, and how can B2B marketers best use them to attract, engage, and convert business professionals? As the world’s leading business social platform, Microsoft’s LinkedIn has released a surprising array of innovative new ways for B2B marketers and brands to build new connections and forge even stronger existing relationships. LinkedIn has undoubtedly witnessed numerous social platforms adding elements to attract B2B marketers, yet it remains the dominant player in the massive business sector. An important factor in LinkedIn’s continuing dominance and growth has been its steadfast determination to innovate with an abundance of new […]

Top 8 Marketing Strategies for Your Fashion Brand

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In industry, as saturated as fashion, it can seem difficult for newer brands to grow and compete against already established companies. While it may take some work, the fashion industry will never die so long as people need clothes and accessories, there is always an opportunity to start a successful brand, but of course, with … The post Top 8 Marketing Strategies for Your Fashion Brand appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Fast-Forward: 4 Business Problems Solved by B2B Content Marketing

For B2B business, the pandemic was a magnifying glass pointing out the cracks in systems. We discovered just how fast digital transformation can be when our livelihoods are on the line. We found that global supply chains aren’t as resilient as we thought. We found that remote work is far more viable an option than we’d been led to believe. None of these realizations were brand new — we were just able to see them clearly for the first time.  The same is true of B2B buyer behavior. When we talk about how the pandemic changed B2B sales and marketing, […]

Why Video is the Future of Content Marketing?

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From advertising to direct emails, there is no lack of marketing tools that e-commerce businesses can draw on to reach consumers and boost sales. But there’s nothing quite like video; 78% of video marketers say video has directly helped increase sales. And with people consuming 18 hours of video online on average per week, up … The post Why Video is the Future of Content Marketing? appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Best E-Commerce Agencies in the UK with Impressive Case Studies

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With the continuing increase of social media and mobile internet access, people are turning online to get the best offers and prices as never before. So the demand for e-commerce agencies in the UK is increasing among both new and established businesses. Online shopping is even more popular in the UK than in any other … The post Best E-Commerce Agencies in the UK with Impressive Case Studies appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

A Comprehensive Guide on Amazon Ads by PPC Geeks

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Whether you’re looking to increase brand visibility, consideration of your product, drive purchases or boost loyalty, with 300m+ worldwide active customer accounts, Amazon has a rich understanding of how shoppers engage with products and brands as they journey through the digital shopping landscape. Amazon Ads can help you reach customers at every stage of both … The post A Comprehensive Guide on Amazon Ads by PPC Geeks appeared first on Digital Agency Network.
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