HubSpot Labs / 3 posts found

The Oops That Proves SEO Basics Still Matter

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When I asked today’s HubSpotter to share an SEO tactic, he asked if he could share a cautionary tale instead. And I accepted because his story proves that technical SEO basics still matter — even in the face of major search changes. It’s the scary story of how we lost, and then recovered, 41% of targeted organic traffic and conversions. Presented for the approval of you masters in marketing, I bring you a story I call … The Tell-Tale Tag. (The Cask of the Canonical? I’ll find the joke eventually.) A Scary Day in Search Our story begins with a […]

The Losing Test That Led to 4% More Leads (We Took the L so You Don’t Have To)

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Today, I’ve got a special treat for you, something most companies won’t share: a peek at one of our losses. A “best practice” that failed so hard we had to pause part of the test early. And, if I can wax clickbait-y for a moment, it’s a tactic you may be using in your calls-to-action as we speak. So come for the trainwreck, but stick around for the lesson, because what we learned led to 4% more leads from our CTAs. And I’m going to show you how to recreate it. (The improvement, that is. Not the trainwreck.) The Best […]

What We Didn’t Do Boosted Our Paid Ad CVR by 11% [Expert Interview]

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Our CRO team made a change that lifted the performance of our paid ads by almost 11% — and they didn’t have to make any deals with supernatural beings to do it. So while I’m a little bummed that I don’t get to use my Ouija board, the good news is that you’ve already got everything you need to try this out for yourself. In fact, this tactic is all about what you don’t include on the landing page. Below, I chat with our sorceress supreme of conversion rate optimization to find out what that cryptic advice actually means. But […]
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