Infographics / 2 posts found

The 13 Best Free Graphic Design Software for Marketers and Beginners

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When it comes to website success, what you see is what you get. If the budget is tight or non-existent, free graphic design software can make a real impact on how you present yourself in digital spaces. As an admittedly lousy product photographer, please believe me when I say that graphic design software is a key reason my small businesses still exist. It’s been a while since I needed to make anything new, but I’m still paying monthly fees for the software I built my visual assets with. I hope you’ll join me on this new exploration — I’m trying […]

How To Create An Infographic In Powerpoint [+Free Templates]

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It can be intimidating to create your own infographic when you don’t have a design background. You could always commission an agency or hire a designer — but that can get pricey fast. To create professional-looking infographics and captivate your audience, you can benefit from learning how to create your own infographics in PowerPoint. PowerPoint can be a marketer’s best friend when it comes to visual content creation. In fact, Infographics are the fourth most used type of content marketing. And it’s plain to see why, marketers who align the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs […]
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