Internet Marketing / 3034 posts found

How to Write the Perfect Resume for Internships

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Securing an internship is a crucial stepping stone towards launching a successful career — and it starts with this daunting task: writing a resume. Although you’re just starting out and likely applying to several positions, it’s crucial to think about how you can stand out from the crowd. Your resume serves as a gateway to opportunities, allowing potential employers to gauge your skills, qualifications, and potential. Crafting the perfect resume for internships requires careful consideration and a keen understanding of what employers seek. There’s good news, too. Companies value intern potential more than just experience and technical skills. The experience […]

Blast Off Into the Future: MozCon 2023 Day One Recap

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Day one recap contributors were Emilie Martin, Vickie Wu, and Zach Edelstein. Today, we kicked off day one of MozCon 2023. That’s right – we’re back and better than ever! We’re in a brand new venue this year, and we’re excited to experience it for the first time with all of you! Whether you joined us in person or via our live stream, we are so grateful to get back together again for another year of MozCon madness. We hope day one helped set the scene for what the future of search is going to look like. Let’s recap yesterday’s […]

Email Marketing Best Practices That Actually Drive Results

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While email marketing may not get the attention some newer marketing channels get, it’s still a terrific way to generate leads and convert more prospects for your business. With that in mind, I want to share some email marketing best practices you can use to generate more leads for your business. Email Marketing Best Practices Email Formatting  Email Marketing Automation  Email Marketing Metrics and Testing Below are different best practices to remember at various points of your email marketing campaign.  Email Formatting Best Practices  When formatting your emails, make sure to:  Avoid using ‘No-Reply’ in the sender’s email address. Have you heard […]

13 Landing Page Types to Test & Pick for a Campaign (+New Data)

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Whether you’re a blogger, social media marketer, or paid marketer — you have a healthy relationship with the landing page. Sometimes, you might go through rough patches where you wonder why landing pages exist. But they’re always there for you, increasing conversions, netting new leads, and driving traffic to the offers you’ve worked so hard to create. But, to be honest, there are a lot of different types of landing pages, and not all of them serve the same purpose. Luckily for you, we’re not only going to break down each type of landing page, but we collected new data […]

How Content Creators Are Tackling The New Instagram Threads

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Instagram‘s off-shoot app, Threads, is Meta’s answer to Twitter (now rebranded to “X” by Elon Musk). Dubbed a “Twitter Killer,” Threads amassed 100 million users in just five days. Among new Threads users are content creators; many also use Twitter to interact with their followers, build community, and network with other creators and brands. So how are content creators adapting to the new Instagram Threads? How do they believe it compares to Twitter? I asked several content creators who are early adopters of Threads for their perspectives. Here’s what they have to say. How are content creators using Threads? Content […]

Introducing Brand Authority: Measuring the Unmeasurable

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We all recognize the power of brands, but too often the value of brand building is reduced to hand-waving and wishful thinking. Today, Moz makes the power of brand measurable. Starting today, you’ll find something new in our Domain Overview tool: a Brand AuthorityTM score for your domain (or any domain you choose to analyze): You’ll also see a new visualization – a four-quadrant grid – that compares your Brand Authority and Domain Authority to your closest online competitors. Here’s an example for electric car maker Lucid Motors: It’s easy to see how Lucid stacks up to their closest search […]

Can AI-Generated Content Hurt Your Search Ranking? [Insights from HubSpot, Litmus, Casted & 500+ Marketers]

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AI is giving marketers a newer, faster, and easier way to create content. But will the convenience of AI come at the expense of your search ranking? After all, if everyone can use AI to create high-quality content at lightning-fast speeds, what will be the great differentiator in search results? Here, we’ll explore everything you need to know about AI-generated content — including how it performs in search results, its limitations, and tips for leveraging it. Table of Contents Can AI-generated content impact my search ranking? The Limitations of AI-Generated Content Tips for Using AI-Generated Content Can AI-generated content hurt […]

How Shopify, Canva, and HubSpot are Excelling on Threads, and How You Can, Too

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When Threads was first announced, I was wary. We’ve seen so many new social media platforms enter the marketplace over the past year, ranging from BeReal and Clubhouse to Twitch and Lemon8. In all that chaos, it can be difficult to determine which ones have true staying power, and which ones are passing fads. And then I heard Threads has become the fastest-growing social media platform of all time, and I took notice. In fact, Threads reached 100 million users within five days. By comparison, it took Instagram over two years to reach that same milestone. It’s too early to say if Threads […]

The Way People Search the Web is Changing: 4 Stats Marketers & SEOs Should Know [HubSpot Data]

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Remember when it felt like Google was the only way you could to find information online? Those days are over. Now people are flocking to other channels, like social media, to answer their questions. Leading them are Gen Z and Millennials, as 29% of the combined group prefer to search for information on social platforms over actual search engines. But that’s not all – generative AI’s also coming to search result pages, throwing another wrench in the way we’ve nearly always searched online. If your brand relies on search traffic, big consumer shifts are coming that you should keep in […]

Site Architecture Optimization for Seasonality — Whiteboard Friday

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Areej discusses site architecture optimization for seasonality in this edition of Whiteboard Friday. The key focus is on asking yourself when your business’s peak periods occur and strategically planning before, during, and after those periods. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey, everyone. I’m Areej AbuAli. I’m the founder of Crawlina, an independent SEO consultancy, and I am here today to talk to you all about site architecture optimization for seasonality, with a focus on e-commerce websites. What is Seasonal SEO? Seasonal SEO is this concept of driving […]
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