Internet Marketing / 3017 posts found

The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation

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Content creation is what happens behind the scenes. It’s how Google can offer the perfect answer to your problem. It’s the videos you watch on YouTube after a tough day. Content creation is also what helps people discover your business, brand, and products. And that content helps you attract, engage, and delight prospects and customers. It brings new visitors to your site and ultimately generates revenue for your company. In other words, if you’re not creating content, then you’re behind the curve. Why is content creation important? Content creation is the ultimate inbound marketing practice. When you create content, you’re […]

The Beginner’s Guide to the Competitive Matrix [Template]

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Have you ever been playing a game and had to look around to check out the competition? Whether you currently own or you’re looking to start your own business, you need to do the same thing. Luckily, there’s a methodical way to do that: by conducting a competitive analysis and creating a competitive matrix. A competitive matrix will help you identify your competitors and lay out their products, sales, and marketing strategies in a visual format. By doing this, you’ll learn where you’re positioned in the market, how to differentiate yourself from your competition, and how to improve upon your […]

Hey, These Aren’t My Competitors!

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You know your competitors, and you’re not going to let some damned SEO tool tell you different! Hey, I’ll give you the first part, but there are a lot of reasons that the results from a tool like True Competitor might not match your expectations, and that could be a good thing. I’m going to dig into five of those reasons: You’re living in the past You’ve hit a brick wall You can’t see the trees You’re stuck in one tree We’re just plain wrong First, the toughest one to hear — the world is changing, and you’re not changing […]

How Full-Cycle Recruiting Can Improve Your Recruitment Process

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Job vacancies can cost a company an average of $500 per day. Companies can save money, improve the quality of their hires, eliminate communication gaps, and increase accountability during the recruitment process by implementing a full-cycle recruitment strategy. The full-cycle recruitment process is managed by a single full-cycle recruiter or full-cycle recruiting agency. Full-Cycle Recruiting Process The full-cycle recruiting process includes six stages: preparing, sourcing, screening, selecting, hiring, and onboarding. Preparing The first stage of the full-cycle recruiting process is the preparing stage. A recruiter will begin this stage by working with a hiring manager to identify a hiring need […]

SEO in Real Life: Harnessing Visual Search for Optimization Opportunities

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The most exciting thing about visual search is that it’s becoming a highly accessible way for users to interpret the real world, in real time, as they see it. Rather than being a passive observer, camera phones are now a primary resource for knowledge and understanding in daily life. Users are searching with their own, unique photos to discover content. This includes interactions with products, brand experiences, stores, and employees, and means that SEO can and should be taken into consideration for a number of real world situations, including: Sponsorship implementation Brand merchandising In-person brand experiences Though SEOs have little […]

15 of the Best Public Relations Examples to Inspire Your Next Campaign

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Journalists crave juicy stories and viral marketing campaigns, but standing out in a sea of conventional pitches is one of the biggest challenges for any public relations professional. When you need a dose of inspiration, it can be helpful to explore the most compelling PR plays in recent years. To save you some time, we curated a list of the absolute best of the best to get the creativity flowing for your next campaign. Read on to get inspired by some of the best minds in public relations. 1. Spotify: Wrapped Image Source Spotify’s Wrapped campaign has quickly turned into […]

What is Employee Engagement? [+11 Data-Backed Benefits and Strategies]

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If you’re playing along with buzzword bingo, you’ve heard the term “employee engagement.” But it would be a mistake to dismiss it as just a buzzword. Ignoring engagement costs the global economy 8.1 trillion dollars each year, according to a study by Gallup. Thankfully, the opposite is also true. Improving employee engagement can boost profitability, improve customer satisfaction, and even make for a safer workplace. Read on to learn what employee engagement is and what factors affect it. Then discover 11 strategies for improving employee engagement at your workplace. What is employee engagement? Employee Engagement Examples Why is employee engagement […]

How Video Can Humanize Your Brand in 2022 & Other Insights from Wistia’s CEO

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One of the main things we’ve learned during the COVID-19 pandemic in regards to how people consume content is that they want to be entertained in different ways. Consumers want the convenience of being able to consume content where they spend the most time, and on their own terms. If your brand doesn’t give consumers this option, then you’re missing out on a big fraction of your audience — that’s where the powerful tool of video comes into play. In our recent 2022 State of Video Report, we found that people were watching more videos than ever before in 2020 as […]

130 Instagram Influencers You Need To Know About in 2022

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In 2021, marketers that used influencer marketing said the trend resulted in the highest ROI. In fact, marketers have seen such success from influencer marketing that 86% plan to continue investing the same amount or increase their investments in the trend in 2022.  But, if you’ve never used an influencer before, the task can seem daunting — who’s truly the best advocate for your brand? Here, we’ve cultivated a list of the most popular influencers in every industry — just click on one of the links below and take a look at the top influencers that can help you take […]

Link Relevance vs. Content Relevance in Link Building

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Relevance is talked about a lot in the context of link building. In truth, it’s something that no one can really provide a concrete (or even close to concrete) answer to, because none of us knows exactly how Google measures relevance. Even having access to things like the Google Natural Language Processing API and seeing categories such as this doesn’t mean that we know how Google measures relevance themselves, because there will be so much more under the hood that isn’t visible to the public. Even if we did know exactly how Google measures relevance, the extent to which they […]
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