Internet Marketing / 2766 posts found

How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide [+ Free Blog Post Templates]

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If you’ve ever read a blog post, you’ve consumed content from a thought leader that is an expert in their industry. Chances are if the blog post was written effectively, you came away with helpful knowledge and a positive opinion about the writer or brand that produced the content. Anyone can connect with their audience through blogging and enjoy the myriad benefits that blogging provides: organic traffic from search engines, promotional content for social media, and recognition from a new audience you haven’t tapped into yet. If you’ve heard about blogging but are a beginner and don’t know where to […]

20 Social Media Marketing Myths to Leave Behind in 2022

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Like any major marketing strategy of the past decade, social media has had plenty of time to accumulate some big myths. And despite the fact that data has disproven a number of marketing myths today, some marketers will still hold onto a few, simply because it’s hard to keep up-to-date on what’s really going on with social media. To help you separate fact from fiction, I put my MythBusters hat on and drudged up some of the most common social media myths out there. Let’s dive into some social media myths we’ve all probably heard from colleagues or friends and […]

12 Best Pricing Page Examples To Inspire Your Own Design

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Your pricing page is a prime opportunity to take control of the price conversation and make it even easier for people to buy. Searching for a product’s price is a natural part of a customer’s buying decision. The majority of people who have made it down the funnel far enough to consider buying from you will likely look at your pricing page. What does a great pricing page look like? To inspire you, we break down the must-haves of a good pricing page and share the best examples of pricing page design. Check them out below. What makes a great […]

3 Tests Our Content Team Ran in 2021 & How They Impacted 2022 Planning

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2021 was a big year for the HubSpot content team. Our team grew, we faced challenges, and we had some fun with experiments. Experiments can teach you a lot about your audience and help you unlock growth opportunities. Here are some experiments we ran in 2021 and what we learned from them. Conversion Rate Optimization In January 2021, the web strategy team decided to run a form optimization experiment to understand how altering our forms would affect our users, ahead of a blog redesign. When evaluating the current form, the team found that it was breaking several best practices relating […]

How the Pandemic Changed Social Media: 6 Quarantine Trends Here to Stay [Data + Expert Insights]

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At the beginning of the lockdown, many of us were unable to see family or friends. All social plans were cancelled — practically overnight. And, in the midst of so much stress and chaos, many felt more alone than ever. Which is why people turned to social media in an effort to find a sense of connection and community.  Social media became a refuge — a place to post authentic, relatable content and form relationships virtually when in-person wasn’t an option.  And as Lala Fevrier, Wayfair’s Senior Associate for Influencer Marketing, puts it, “When restaurants, schools, and businesses shut down, […]

Bring Outdoors Inside

Introduction Science finally catches up with what we knew by instinct. Having spent more time outdoors than in, I can testify to the benefits of being outside. My therapist recently pointed out that most of my photo albums that showed me smiling as I was growing up were taken outdoors. My inside face was usually solemn and subdued. In nature or outside, you feel better, have more energy, burn more calories (ever wonder why you’re hungrier when you’re outdoors?), get sunshine (your body converts to Vitamin D), smile more and generally stay more focused. Within the past year scientific tests […]

Beyond YouTube Video Marketing

This article looks at the current state of Online Video Marketing. This is often mentioned as the second among the top 3 types of digital and internet marketing. And in practice videos and video advertising have branched out beyond YouTube. You will see video ads now on almost every major social media platform. More that three-fourths of marketers expect to increase their use of online video ads in 2022. According to this recent study by Kantar, video ads ranked the highest among all online tactics for the percentage of marketers planning to increase spending. Over three-fourths of senior marketers plan […]

Flashes of Brilliance

(Helicoptors landing at night in the desert generating St. Elmo’s Fire)   We know a lot more now about St Elmo’s fire than the ancient sailors who named the phenomenon. According to the American Heritage Dictionary St Elmo’s Fire is “A visible and sometimes audible electric discharge projecting from a pointed object, such as the mast of a ship or the wing of an airplane, during an electrical storm. First identified as an electrical phenomenon by Benjamin Franklin in 1749, St. Elmo’s fire is a bluish-white plasma caused by the release of electrons in a strong electric field (200 or […]

The Best Social Media Channels for Marketing in 2022, According to Company & Consumer Data

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Every day there’s something new on social media. Recently, Twitter introduced Twitter Blue, a premium subscription-based version of its platform. TikTok took the social media world by storm back in 2020 and still remains the most downloaded app of 2021, according to Social Media Today. Instagram is regularly adding new features to its platform, recently testing a new affiliate tool for influencers. The question is, how are these changes impacting how consumers behave online? Are users moving away from Facebook? Let’s see what the data says and what it means for brands. We surveyed 301 people in the United States […]

Which Social Media Metrics Are Marketers Tracking? [New Research]

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We get it: Social media metrics are important. Getting data and ROI is really important. However, if you spend too much time trying to figure out which metrics are important for your business, you won’t have any time to analyze and act upon them. That’s why we’ve made a list of the social media metrics that are essential to track, so you don’t miss out on important numbers that can help you later. These metrics will give you insight into customers, how to track ROI, improve your brand presence online, and walk away with happier customers. Social Media Metrics are […]
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