Internet Marketing / 3009 posts found

Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

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When it comes to social media, marketers’ top goals are advertising their products/services and increasing their brand awareness, according to 2021 HubSpot Blog Research. However, many brands struggle with creating engaging content and reaching their target audience. With social media playing such an important role at the top of the funnel, let’s dive into all things social media marketing – what it is, its benefits, and how to actually build a social media marketing strategy that’ll work for your specific business. Social media marketing is all about meeting your target audience and customers where they are and as they socially […]

12 Expert-Vetted Sample Business Plans to Help You Write Your Own

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Ask any successful sports coach how they win so many games, and they’ll tell you they have a unique plan for every single game they coach. The same logic applies to business. If you want to build a thriving company that can pull ahead of the competition, you need to prepare yourself for battle before you break into a market. Business plans guide you along the rocky journey of growing a company. Referencing one throughout your voyage will keep you on the path toward success. And if your business plan is compelling enough, it can also convince investors to give […]

Ad Tracking: What It Is & How to Do It

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Tracking ad engagement and impact has been historically hit-or-miss. There wasn’t a universal standard for measuring the success of an ad campaign. In fact, the term ROI (return on investment) wasn’t even widely used until the mid-1960s. A lot has changed since then. Advertisers now have access to a wealth of granular ad tracking data for every single campaign they run. Ad tracking lets marketing teams leverage this data to more accurately measure, test, and revise ads based on how users interact with their online campaigns. If you’re new to running online ads, it’s important to spend some time thinking […]

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Campaigns

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From P&G’s “Thank You, Mom” to American Express’s “Small Business Saturday” to Dos Equis’s “Most Interesting Man in the World,” marketing campaigns have a way of sticking with us long after an impression or purchase. Why is that? Well, campaigns make companies memorable. They promote a focused effort that guides consumers towards the desired action. They also give brands an identity, personality, and emotion. Marketing campaigns can do the same for your business. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide — to provide a clear, concise approach to your next marketing campaign. Keep reading to get started or use the links […]

NEW SEO Competitive Analysis Certification: Build a Strategy to Take On the Competition

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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – our community continues to blow us away with eagerness to learn and hunger for new content. Your feedback and interest in new certifications and coursework through Moz Academy has been super helpful in guiding the development of our learning resources. In assessing the topic area for our next certification, it struck us just how darned competitive SEO feels these days. Competitive research and analysis still feel like an uphill battle – wouldn’t it be nice if an SEO just had a competitive roadmap to follow? It sure would. And now, […]

How-To: Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell in Google Sheets

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Conditional formatting is a feature in Google Sheets in which a cell is formatted in a particular way when certain conditions are met. The formatting can include highlighting, bolding, italicizing – just about any visual changes to the cell. Just as it can be done for the cell you’re currently in, conditional formatting can also be set based on conditions met in another cell. Let’s dive into how to create this condition based on multiple criteria. How Conditional Formatting Works To learn how to set conditional formatting, let’s use this workbook as an example. It’s a workbook showing website traffic […]

How to Write a Great Value Proposition [5 Top Examples + Template]

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Your company’s value proposition is the core of your competitive advantage. It clearly articulates why someone would want to buy from your company instead of a competitor. So how do you actually write a value proposition statement that’s strong enough to lift conversion rates and sales? In this article, you’ll learn the definition of a value proposition, what a value prop isn’t, examples of some of the best value props we’ve seen, and tactics to create amazing value props. We’ll cover: What is a value proposition? Value Proposition vs Mission Statement (vs Others) How to Create a Value Proposition Canvas […]

Everything You Need to Know About Marketing Operations in One Place

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One of my favorite movies is “School of Rock,” which also happens to be one of 2003’s best films. In the movie, Jack Black poses as a substitute teacher at a private school, and, after noticing the students are musically talented, he turns the 10-year-olds into a fully-fledged rock band. When assigning roles to the students, he approaches the class president and deems her band manager because she had the organizational skills needed to help the band run smoothly. “Summer,” he says, “You’re in charge of the whole thing.” When I think about marketing operations, I think of this quote […]

370 Best Instagram Captions: Good, Cool, Funny, & Cute IG Quotes

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If you’re anything like me, you take about four minutes choosing a filter for your Instagram photo, and about four hours deciding on a caption. Worst of all, after much creative effort and advice from friends, I’m usually barely able to write a caption that goes beyond, “Had a fun day with friends!” And I’m a writer — go figure. Next time you’re contemplating a witty line of text to go with your Instagram photo, take a look at our complete list of captions that suit any mood or occasion you’ll be sharing with the world. You can also customize […]

How to Ace Your Marketing Interview Project Proposal

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It’s a great time to be a marketer. LinkedIn reported a 63% increase in marketing jobs, and the Great Resignation has led more marketers and SEOs to look for better work opportunities, benefits, and of course, pay. To help companies better evaluate job candidates, marketing interviews typically include a “take-home assignment.” You’re given a prompt and asked to do a short presentation. This is your chance to showcase how you approach problems and how you communicate your solution to key stakeholders. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps that I took to create a marketing pitch and ace […]
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