Internet Marketing / 3037 posts found

5 Soft Skills SEOs Should Build – Whiteboard Friday

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Discover five soft skills you should build as an SEO in this Whiteboard Friday with Noah Learner.

Community Managers: What They Do & How to Be a Great One

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X (formerly Twitter), with its 237.8 million daily active users, is a platform with a ton of potential for companies to increase awareness and build their brand personality. In recent years, big names like Netflix, Wendy’s, and Taco Bell have become X famous for their witty commentary and personable interactions with their followers. But how can companies build their reputation as original, relatable, and dependable while still maintaining their unique voice? Social media has transformed the relationship between individuals and organizations — which is why the community management role is now so vital. But what exactly is a community manager, […]

22 Examples of Nostalgia Marketing that Make Customers Feel Good

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Nostalgia marketing is the advertising equivalent of comfort food. In a time where most marketing focuses heavily on the future, nostalgic commercials and ads transport us back to a simpler place where our current problems don’t matter. Instead of anticipating the next great thing, nostalgia marketing urges us to focus on what we already know works. To inspire your campaigns, we selected 22 examples of nostalgia marketing that play on the bittersweet pangs of days gone by. The Power of Nostalgia Marketing “When you play on nostalgia, you’re bringing people back to a simpler time, and the familiar comfort that […]

4 Holiday Shopper Mindsets Brands Should Keep Up With, According to Google

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Throughout the holiday season, we at Google have annually watched shoppers move between 4 distinct mindsets, or what we call the ‘4Ds:’ deliberate, deal-seeking, determined, and devoted. What are these four Ds? Starting in July, consumers are deliberate, thoughtfully planning their holiday purchases and wishlists. From October to November, they’re deal-seeking, hunting for deals and prioritizing quality and value. By December, they become determined to complete their shopping ahead of the holidays and are using all days and resources to get it done. And finally, by January, consumers become devoted as they continue to shop past peak season. Check out this quick short where […]

Is the Nearby Filter Nav Actually Making Google’s SERPs More Local?

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Is the Nearby filter navigation actually making Google’s SERPs more local? Find out more through Miriam’s research.

14 Link Building Tools to Drive Traffic and Boost SEO Rankings

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As a marketer who frequently writes SEO-optimized content, I can confidently say that link-building is an essential aspect of SEO. I‘ve found that it’s a cost-effective marketing principle that allows me to advertise on other reputable websites for free while gaining high-quality referral traffic. If you’re unsure what link building is, it means creating links on other websites to increase search engine rankings and drive referral traffic to your site. I typically embed links to my site via forms of content, including blog posts, infographics, articles, press releases, and images. The process may sound time-consuming, but there are plenty of […]

Data-Driven Decision Making (Research & Expert Tips)

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In today’s data-driven world, the ability to transform data into actionable insights has never been more critical  for success. According to HubSpot’s research, 36% of marketers say data helps them reach their target audience more effectively. Data-driven decision making is used in almost all areas of business, especially marketing. Why building the right strategy will lead to solid ROI, doing so can be complex and time consuming. . In this post we’ll help by covering: What Data-Driven Decision Making Is How to Build Data-Driven Decision Making Processes Benefits of Data-driven Decision Making Data-Driven Decision Making Examples Data-Driven Decision Making Process […]

A Non-Technical Guide to Diagnosing JavaScript SEO Issues

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Does JavaScript SEO make your head spin? Use this non-technical approach to diagnose and fix Javascript SEO issues.

The 8 Types of Emails That Get the Most (And Least) Engagement, According to Marketers

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I send the HubSpot Marketing Emails every day, so I’m pretty familiar with the types of marketing emails marketers can leverage. However, which ones gain the most engagement and which do not? To answer that question, and to pass that knowledge on to you, we ran a survey with Glimpse, asking marketers which types of emails achieve the highest performance. Here’s what I found: 4 Types of Emails That Get the Most Engagement The four emails get the most engagement, according to our latest Glimpse survey. 1. Multimedia Emails Multimedia emails include videos, photos, GIFs, and other elements to make […]

Is Social Media Dying? What That Could Mean for Marketers

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The social media boom of the last decade is over. It’s not that people are no longer using social media — they are. They’re just using it less, and engaging differently. In 2022, the average daily time spent on social media declined globally leading to a drop in organic reach for brands and creators. Per GWI, 54% of people use social media to connect with friends and family, and 27% of people use social media to keep up with news. What they aren’t necessarily hopping on social media to do is be sold to. However, social media platforms need users […]
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