Internet Marketing / 3035 posts found

Why You Still Need SMS Marketing & How to Get Started [+Data]

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The average person spends five to six hours on their phones, while the average smartphone user unlocks their device around 150 times.  What the heck are we doing with our devices all day? Well, when we’re not endlessly scrolling the web or social media, we’re probably texting. In 2023, 15 million texts are sent per minute while nearly 70% of people open up a new text message within five minutes of receiving it. With endless stats like this in mind, businesses are presented numerous opportunities and touchpoints to engage their target market through SMS.  What is SMS marketing? SMS, an […]

Referral Traffic: 7 Ways to Drive It (And Get More Leads!)

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Referral traffic is a powerful and often overlooked way to give your website a competitive edge. In the never-ending quest for more traffic, marketers turn to search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), blogging, and social media marketing. The problem is that SEO takes time to work, PPC is expensive, Google is oversaturated with blog content, and it’s tricky to prove ROI with social media. That’s where referral traffic comes in. So, what is referral traffic, and how can you use it to generate more leads? Today, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know — why it’s important […]

The Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Marketing & Networking

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Did you know LinkedIn has over 774 million users across the globe? This metric alone makes the platform one of the top social networks today. Is your business using LinkedIn to its fullest potential to improve brand awareness, build your network, boost leads and conversions, and increase revenue? With new social networks sprouting up constantly, LinkedIn is a platform that’s often underutilized. The truth is, LinkedIn can be a powerful addition to your social media content strategy. This guide is chock full of LinkedIn tips you can begin implementing immediately to help you learn how to use the platform to […]

5 Must-Read Books for Building Brands and Wealth by Entrepreneurs of Color

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Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a new blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. White authors dominate book publishing, and it can be difficult for people of color to find successful entrepreneurship stories written by founders, CEOs, and marketing executives with similar cultural backgrounds.Penguin Random House, a “Big Five” publisher, reported that 76% of their released books in 2019-2021 were […]

What is Public Relations? PR Definition Explained

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Image is an important aspect of brand awareness, which influences whether your potential customers know, like, and trust you. Where publicity is outside a brand’s control, public relations (PR) is an effective way to contribute to the conversation. In this article, we’ll define what public relations is and what to expect if choosing it for a career path. Skip to: Public Relations Definition Being a PR Professional Types of PR PR Damage Control There’s an old saying: “Advertising is what you pay for; publicity is what you pray for.” Public relations isn’t an easy profession to define. In fact, in […]

How to Use Google Calendar: 21 Features That’ll Make You More Productive

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Some things you think will be simple actually end up getting really complex. Google knows this all too well, which is why Google Calendar has plenty of nifty features to simplify scheduling. Your Google Calendar comes with your personal Gmail address, and you won’t believe how simple it is to use and set up. However, when working at a company with a corporate Google account you suddenly have to find out how best to integrate your personal calendar with your weekly meeting schedule. Below are some of our favorite tips, tricks, and features available in Google Calendar. Skip to: Using […]

The ROI of Accessibility in SEO

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This article contains some ableist phrases that are debunked and combatted throughout the piece. They have been included to highlight better alternatives. Accessibility should be one of the top priorities for your website in 2024 Disabled people and those with accessibility needs make up a considerable percentage of our clients and customers — but, even if they didn’t, we should care about the end-user experience of those who interact with our products, services, and content. As an SEO professional who has been advocating for accessibility for years, I’ve heard and seen it all when it comes to excuses for not […]

How Sorority Rush Became Big Social Media Business

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Sorority recruitment has transformed from a secretive process to big social media business. In the fall of 2021, sorority rush at the University of Alabama took TikTok by storm, effectively becoming RushTok. During that recruitment season, sorority hopefuls posted daily TikTok vlogs sharing everything from their outfits of the day, to what they’re carrying in their bags, documenting the entire process until the sororities made their final selections. Audiences worldwide quickly became captivated by the process, choosing their favorite recruits to follow and root for. To date, the hashtags #BamaRush and #RushTok have 4B and 2B views, respectively. Potential new […]

Creating a Fulfilling Workplace: 5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Job Satisfaction on Your Team

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Job satisfaction is like a warm, cozy blanket on a cold winter day. It‘s waking up and being excited to go to work. It’s the feeling of achievement and gratification after completing a task. In other words, job satisfaction is the degree of joy and fulfillment a person attains from their selected occupation. Would you like your workforce to be driven, devoted, and efficient? Then, you need to focus on their job satisfaction. Research has revealed that content, happy employees are likely to remain in the organization, take fewer absences due to illness, and be more efficient. It falls upon […]

19 SEO Tips Straight From the Mouths of HubSpot’s SEO Team

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HubSpot’s monthly blog traffic flattened in 2017, and the culprit was relying on our intuition to determine our audience’s preferences. We pivoted to organic search, which generated most of our traffic and propelled us past the plateau. In this post, we’ll outline the organic strategy that fueled our traffic boost and essential research insight and tips from SEO experts. Download this checklist and save it to your desktop to check-off an SEO tip every time you complete it. 1. Spend as much time on the SERPs as you do in tools. Even though an algorithm dictates a search engine’s results […]
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