Marketing Automation / 16 posts found

How to Build a Marketing Technology (Martech) Stack That’ll Grow With You

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What will your marketing team look like six months from now? Or a year from now? How many people will you add? What new tools, systems, and data will you need? There are a lot of potential questions you can ask about the future of your business, but there is one certainty: you’ll deal with more data, more people, more processes, and more complex problems as you grow. But how do you deal with that in your marketing team? That’s where marketing technology, or martech, comes in. By automating tasks and removing obstacles from your team’s workflows, marketing tech empowers […]

How Healthcare Businesses are Using Automation

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Healthcare businesses use AI and automation to provide a better experience for their customers, patients, and care providers. The healthcare industry has been through one of its busiest and most challenging periods, leaving healthcare professionals and companies burnt out. With automation and AI, healthcare businesses are streamlining processes, reducing the workload for their team, and improving patient experiences. I reached out to healthcare professionals and asked how they’re using AI and automation, their tips for getting started with AI, and the tools that healthcare businesses should consider. Table of Contents Companies Already Using Automation [+ Examples] Tools That Can Help […]

How Financial Services Businesses are Using Automation

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The finance industry lends itself well to AI. The industry manages much data, customer service, and daily trend analysis. One search for AI tools in the finance sector, and you’ll find millions of results. The key is knowing what to trial, where to bring AI to benefit your finance business and customers, and how to get started. We contacted finance professionals and asked how they use AI and automation and their tips for starting with AI. Plus, the tools that you should trial for your finance business. Table of Contents Companies Already Using Marketing Automation [+ Examples] Tools That Can […]

How to Set Up Automated Email Marketing Workflows (+ Examples)

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Without email marketing automation, your marketing team misses out on major opportunities to nurture and engage your target audience and contacts. In this article, we’ll review common types of email marketing automation, the tools to help you establish and maintain an email marketing automation strategy, and different automation triggers you may implement at your company. But first, let’s begin by answering the most crucial question: what is email automation? Email Automation Email automation helps convert leads into customers, delight existing customers, and encourage activities like greater product adoption, upsells, evangelism, and additional purchases. Top 7 Email Marketing Tools To Automate […]

The 15 Best Marketing Automation Tools Available to You

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A majority of businesses use marketing automation tools nowadays — in fact, studies cite around 56% of businesses currently use the technology, and that number continues to grow. While marketing automation software can help companies increase efficiency by streamlining their workflows, there are so many options to choose from, full of different solutions with various features and use cases. In this article, we’ll cover: What are marketing automation tools? How to Choose the Best Marketing Automation Software Marketing Automation Software Options to Consider What are marketing automation tools? Marketing automation tools use software to automate repetitive marketing tasks. Some platforms […]

9 Marketing Automation Best Practices

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As a marketer, you know that time is valuable. Therefore, you likely know marketing automation helps save time by relieving you of tedious analytical and marketing tasks. But in order to reap its benefits, you must follow marketing automation best practices. Fortunately, I put together nine marketing automation best practices that will keep your company on track to meet its marketing goals, generate leads, and increase revenue. Marketing Automation Best Practices Keep marketing analysis and lead scoring simple. Map your lead flow. Know the buyer’s journey. Create your buyer personas. Create engaging content. Consider email reputability. Effectively capture leads by […]

20 Effective Ways to Automate and Grow Your Business

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There’s more scope for automation in your business than ever before. With automation, you can schedule emails to be sent at the perfect time, follow up with leads that have abandoned their cart, sync data between apps, and notify team members of new tasks. However, these options can be overwhelming, especially if your business isn’t a huge corporation with a lot of budget and resources to throw at automation. You might be wondering: What types of automation will benefit my business the most? What should I stay away from? How can I easily implement these while keeping life simple? Let’s […]

Future of Automation: 9 Predictions to Look Out For in 2022

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As a blend of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), automation takes care of the mundane tasks we’d rather not spend time on, the work we don’t want to mess up with human error, customer interactions that require instant responses – and so much more. While automation has been evolving at lightning speed over the last few years, it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down. So what does the future of automation look like? We’ll cover that and more in this article. 9 Predictions on The Future of Automation Automating High-Value Actions Prioritizing Marketing, Sales, and Success Alignment Automation […]

9 Marketing Automation Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

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According to a 2021 HubSpot Blog Marketing Trends Report, 69% of marketers surveyed say they use automation in their marketing role. Whether automation is a new or standard practice in your company, we want to help you avoid common traps marketers often fall into. In this post, we’ll discuss them and alternatives that solve these challenges. 1. You have dirty data. In a 2021 state of marketing automation report, 58% of B2B professionals say the number one tactic that most amplifies the success of their marketing automation tool is quality data. Dirty data can cost brands not only money but […]

Workflow Automation Explained & 6 Best Workflow Software for 2022

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Manual data entry might be one of the most tedious and inefficient tasks in the corporate world. Not only does it put you to sleep, but it also wastes precious time and resources, slashing your productivity to bits. According to Zapier, 94% of workers perform time-consuming, repetitive tasks. Fortunately, there’s technology that can automate these mind-numbing tasks, eliminating human error and letting you focus on the work that actually matters — workflow automation. By leveraging self-operating processes that run manual tasks, workflow automation can help your business save time and money, diminish errors, and boost productivity. Table of Contents How […]
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