Marketing Strategy / 91 posts found
How to Build a Market Development Strategy [Free Planning Templates]
Your business is getting by just fine – but still, the questions remain: Could you be selling more? Is there an opportunity to increase market share? Is there any way you could further your product diversification efforts? Companies hoping to increase revenue can do so in many ways — such as increasing advertising budgets, expanding sales teams, and investing in product development. However, one often overlooked way to strengthen your gross sales is a purposeful and expertly executed market development strategy. In this article, we’ll explain what market development is and how you can employ it to grow your business. […]
How Marketers Can Still Thrive in a Recession [Data Analysis]
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Right? In a recent Glimpse survey I ran for the HubSpot Blog, 78% of marketers said they were already facing one of the biggest lemons of 2023 — recession. What’s more, almost half were already seeing negative impacts. On top of that, one in three think a recession will have an even bigger impact on marketing than COVID-19. While we can’t predict the future, our data hints that brands that focus on the right opportunities can still grow. But, what exactly are those opportunities? Read on to find out. Tips for Marketing Growth […]
31 Influencer Marketing Stats to Know in 2023
Influencer marketing harnesses the power of word-of-mouth — and scales it via social media. As a result, it’s become a leading marketing strategy in 2023. Here, we’ve rounded up 31 stats to give you a better picture of the influencer landscape, its effectiveness, and the platforms that get the most traction in this space. Let’s dive in. Table of Contents The Influencer Marketing Landscape Influencer Marketing Effectiveness Micro Influencer Stats Influencer Marketing on Instagram Influencer Marketing on TikTok Influencer Marketing on YouTube Influencer Marketing on Facebook Influencer Marketing Budgets What is influencer marketing? With influencer marketing, brands employ online influencers […]
5 Marketing Trends That Might Not Survive in 2023 [HubSpot Research]
Few marketing trends last forever. In reality, they come and go at rapid speed — and marketers must adapt. Because marketing is always evolving, your marketing playbook should, too. But if your strategy looks the same as years prior, it’s time to do some housekeeping. Here, we’ll cover five marketing trends that are losing steam and how marketers can respond. 1. Celebrity endorsements on social media. Have you ever seen a sponsored post from a celebrity on social media and thought, “Do they really use that?” For example, Beyond Meat’s collaboration with media personality Kim Kardashian became a viral moment […]
Study Finds Most Marketers Don’t Know Their Audience: Here’s Why and How to Fix It
When it comes to marketing, almost nothing is more important than knowing your target audience. But what if I told you over half of marketers are missing critical information on their consumers? In our annual survey of over 1,200 marketers, we found that just 42% know the basic demographic information of their target audience, like their name, gender, and location. And, the data gap doesn’t stop there: Less than half of marketers know their audience’s interests and hobbies, shopping habits, the products they are interested in buying, their purchase history, and where they consume content. Only 31% know the online […]
The Top Marketing Channels, And How They’ll Change in 2023 [+Data]
The movie Field of Dreams famously claims, “If you build it, they will come.” Unfortunately, this passive approach is just not true for content marketing. The marketing channels you use to distribute content are just as important as the content itself. Marketing channels are the different tools or platforms you use to reach your target audience. By understanding the different values of specific marketing channels, you will be able to form a content distribution plan that fits your audience. The Hubspot Blog surveyed more than 1,000 global marketing professionals in the B2B and B2C space to discover which marketing channels […]
It’s Not Just a Marketing Phrase: 3 Ways to Deliver on Being a “Purpose-Driven Brand”
We’ve entered the era of purpose. 70% of employees believe it’s important to work for a business with a clear sense of purpose. And, 54% of consumers have reduced or stopped purchasing from organisations they think missed the mark on environmental or social issues. Additional, countless data points in our most recent State of Consumer Trends Report highlight how having a solid purpose or mission will win over today’s audiences and enable you to stand out against competitors. The last two and a half years have brought into focus what it means to be a purpose-driven company. The global pandemic disrupted supply chains and […]
How the Potential Recession is Already Impacting Hiring Plans in Marketing [New Data]
Early this year, conversations surrounding an upcoming recession started making headlines. Then, we saw mass layoffs and hiring freezes happening, particularly in the tech world. According to our 2023 Marketing Strategy Report, 48% of global marketers say the potential for an economic downturn or recession has affected their company’s hiring plans in 2022. The report also suggests that this impact will continue into 2023. In this article, we’ll cover: How the Recession Has Impacted Hiring So Far How the Recession Will Impact Hiring in 2023 Which Roles Remain Popular & Which Ones Have Lower Demand Which Companies and Industries Are […]
How SKIMMS, Liquid Death, and Other Brands Made Age-Old Products Feel New, Exciting, and Different
Let’s face it — there’s always another brand out there that makes a product similar to yours. Chances are that there are quite a few brands that make products or services similar to yours. It’s also likely that new brands and businesses will pop up in the future with similar products. With this in mind, how do new brands compete in such saturated and competitive markets, so much so that they become market leaders in their niche? In this post, we’ll discuss how three brands, SKIMS, Liquid Death, and Dollar Shave Club, introduced old but new products to market and […]
Multicultural Marketing: What It Is and How to Do It The Right Way [According to Experts]
Growing up as a first-generation Asian American, I lived between two cultures. One was the East-Asian culture my parents brought from Taiwan, which prioritizes the needs and desires of the family and emphasizes academic excellence. The other was the Western culture that surrounded me outside the house, which prioritizes the needs and desires of the individual and emphasizes extracurricular activities. Needless to say, these two cultures clashed, and I spent the early part of my childhood confused about my identity. My parents taught me certain values and principles to help guide me through life, just like their parents did, but […]