Psychology / 7 posts found

How Clickbait Works: The Psychology Behind Clickbait

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In this online era, it’s hard — if not impossible — to surf the web without coming across clickbait. I remember an era when all I could find were clickbait titles that lured me, such as “10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight in a Week.” What I’d find in these articles was little to no information about the topic; rather, the page would be filled with ads. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get people to pay attention in the age of social media, especially with the amount of online content. Thus, content writers increasingly turn to clickbait to stand […]

Internet Slang: 81 Terms To Know About

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Internet slang spreads like wildfire and sometimes seems to come out of nowhere. Some are short-lived, some are used in niche communities, but some go so far as to be included in dictionaries. Whether you spend time online as a casual user or a marketer enacting a social media strategy, you want to know what different slang and abbreviations mean. In this post, we’ll discuss how internet slang originates and spreads, define 81 slang words you might come across, and outline what it takes for slang to be added to our dictionaries. Table of Contents Is the internet to Blame? […]

Steve Jobs’ 3 Powerful Persuasion Tactics, and How You Can Use Them to Win Customers

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Steve Jobs, the iconic co-founder of Apple, was a master of persuasion. His ability to convince billions of people to buy his products at premium prices was no coincidence. While technical innovations and relentless advertising played a role, the true secret to his success lay in the persuasive techniques that he employed. Techniques that anyone can learn and adopt. In this post, I share how Steve Jobs managed to sway the world using simple, yet powerful persuasion strategies that you can apply in your own life. Leveraging the Labor Illusion Effect One of the most effective tactics Steve Jobs used […]

The Two Psychological Biases MrBeast Uses to Garner Millions of Views, and What Marketers Can Learn From Them

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MrBeast is a young YouTuber who has amassed an incredible following through non-traditional means. If you combine the subscribers of all his channels, they would rank as the 7th most populated country in the world. His videos have been viewed more than 26 billion times.  MrBeast is not just a storyteller — he also translates this attention into revenue. He earned $54 million last year, launched a range of chocolate bars, an apparel brand, and even a fast-food business. He is one of the world’s best marketers, capturing the attention of billions and turning many of them into customers. Let’s explore […]

How Neuromarketing Can Revolutionize the Marketing Industry [+Examples]

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Traditional metrics (like clicks, shares, and scroll times) can tell you a lot about campaign performance, but they can’t measure how customers feel about your brand. That’s where neuromarketing comes in. As a supplement to more standard marketing performance metrics, neuromarketing can help you analyze the emotional response to your campaigns. Neuromarketing tells us what colors, pictures, music, or messages resonate the most with audiences. Your team can use this data to identify customers’ ad preferences. Take a deep dive into how neuromarketing works for popular brands. Let’s turn to P&G for a real-world example of neuromarketing at work. In […]

16 Common Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them

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Logical fallacies — those logical gaps that invalidate arguments — aren’t always easy to spot. While some come in the form of loud, glaring inconsistencies, others can easily fly under the radar, sneaking into everyday meetings and conversations undetected. Our guide on logical fallacies will help you build better arguments and identify logical missteps. Jump to: What a logical fallacy is Formal vs. informal fallacies Straw man fallacy Correlation/causation fallacy Ad hominem fallacy What is a logical fallacy? Logical fallacies are deceptive or false arguments that may seem stronger than they actually are due to psychological persuasion, but are proven […]

14 Free Personality Tests You Can Take Online Today

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Personality tests are a great way to explore different aspects of who you are, and uncover layers you perhaps hadn’t recognized about yourself before. Being truly self-aware is hard — while they might not be always 100% accurate, personality tests work well as a starting point for self-discovery by providing results you might not have concluded on your own. These insights are invaluable for personal and professional growth. When you’ve got some downtime and want to explore aspects of who you are, why you make certain decisions, who you work well with, or get some guidance on potential career paths, […]
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