SEO Resources / 2 posts found

How to Create a B2B SEO Strategy in 9 Steps

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If I were to name one thing that I’ve learned throughout the years as a content marketer, it’s that strategy always comes first. Otherwise, you face the risk of chaos. You either end up writing on random topics that don’t fit your intent and personas well, cannibalize your existing SEO keywords, or run out of ideas. Also, considering AI and Google’s bold modifications of their search engine, you can’t operate without a solid plan in today’s landscape. In this piece, I’ll tell you how you can create an SEO B2B strategy and share tips from B2B marketing experts. Table of […]

I Tried Out the 8 Best Free Headline Analyzers — Here Are My Results

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Writing a headline can be harder than writing a 1,500-word article. But that’s no excuse for writing bad ones, especially when help is so easy to come by. Like email subject line testers, headline analyzers can help you get more clicks by using algorithms to assess factors like SEO, word count, and sentiment (is it positive, negative, or neutral?). There are a lot of headline analyzers out there, and as someone familiar with the overwhelm of too many options, I knew I needed to narrow down the field. After polling co-workers, combing subreddits, and running some quick tests, I landed […]
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