Creative Data Networks

Key Insights From TikTok In The What’s Next 2023 Trend Report via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

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Find out how to reach consumers with the right kind of content to engage and excite in TikTok’s What’s Next 2023 Trend Report. The post Key Insights From TikTok In The What’s Next 2023 Trend Report appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How To Use Pinterest For Ecommerce via @sejournal, @atuljindal01

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Pinterest bursts with potential. Learn how to approach the unique platform to boost your ecommerce sales. The post How To Use Pinterest For Ecommerce appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Lead Generation: A Beginner’s Guide to Generating Business Leads the Inbound Way

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We’ve all been there. You finally sit down for dinner at the end of a long day. You’re about to take a bite when the telephone rings. It’s a telemarketer asking about your oven preferences.   This frustrating interruption doesn’t need to happen. Inbound lead generation offers a solution.  Let’s start with defining a lead. Then, we’ll cover why you need lead generation and how to qualify someone as a lead. Soon, you’ll know exactly why inbound lead generation is much more effective than simply buying leads. What is a lead? A lead is any person who indicates interest in a […]

16 Free Project Management Software Options to Keep Your Team On Track

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92% of U.S. workers feel that they could collaborate better with their colleagues. Managing multiple projects at once, delegating tasks, and collaborating across teams is difficult on a good day — but can become downright impossible when unforeseen obstacles get in the way. The data proves that project management is no walk in the park for most of us. When that impacts the business, it becomes an even bigger problem. Miscommunication and inefficiencies in your project management process can lead to confusing and stressful experiences for your employees. It can hinder your company’s ability to satisfy your clients’ needs or […]

The AI Art Movement Has an Objectification Problem

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In 1999, the world’s first commercially available color video and camera phone arrived in the form of the Kyocera VP-210 in Japan. A year after its release, worries over the rapid rise in “up-skirt” voyeurism the phones enabled spread quickly throughout the country, prompting wireless carriers to institute a policy guaranteeing the phones they offered would feature a loud camera shutter noise that users couldn’t disable. The effectiveness of that measure is, to this day, up for debate. But the event remains a valuable history lesson on the widespread adoption of technology: new tools make doing everything easier, and not […]

10 Web3 Builders Creating the Future of the Blockchain

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What would the NFT space be without coders, developers, and general free-thinking builders? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. Without the creators and innovators of blockchain tech, the NFT space, let alone NFTs and the blockchain itself, would never have come to fruition. That much should be clear to any within the sphere of Web3. Beyond the many digitally-native artists and NFT collectors deserving of recognition, the builders — those striving to make advancements in, or by utilizing blockchain and NFT tech — are worthy of praise many times over. Yet, it remains true that we often glaze over those on the […]

Behind the Crypto Hype Is a Mentality of Extreme Social Change

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Ads for blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin seem to be everywhere. Crypto technologies are being promoted as a replacement for banks; a new way to buy art; the next big investment opportunity, and an essential part of the metaverse. To many, these technologies are confusing or risky. But enthusiasts ardently promote them. As a cybersecurity and social media researcher, I’ve found that behind the hype is an ideology about social change: Hardcore enthusiasts argue that crypto will get people to trust in technology rather than government, which they see as inherently untrustworthy. This ideology leads people to encourage its […]

Nifty News: ‘Degen’ season returns with feet NFTs, disappointing Game of Thrones NFTs and more

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Foot fetishists and crypto degens have taken an interest in an NFT collection boasting 10,000 unique pixelated trotters with over $1 million in trading volume.

Play-to-earn falling out of favor after ‘massive shift in priority’ — BGA survey

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Gameplay improvements will be the biggest driver of blockchain gaming adoption in 2023, according to a survey from the Blockchain Gaming Alliance.

NFT gaming trends in 2023: Industry execs expect more big players to jump in

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From more gaming companies jumping in to the relevance of popular concepts, various industry pros shared their insights on upcoming NFT gaming trends.
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