Creative Data Networks

Top 7 SEO Keyword Research Tools For Agencies via @sejournal, @Juxtacognition

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Keyword research can be time-consuming. These tools help you find the data and spot the opportunities for successful SEO campaigns. The post Top 7 SEO Keyword Research Tools For Agencies appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google’s Founders Return: How ChatGPT Is Changing Search via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have reportedly made a surprise return to approve plans to add chatbot features to the search engine. The post Google’s Founders Return: How ChatGPT Is Changing Search appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Gaming in Web3: Here’s Where the Most Iconic Brands Stand

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We’ve come a long way since CryptoKitties and Axie Infinity were the most compelling options in the blockchain gaming space. Today, the blockchain gaming market is a billion-dollar industry, valued at roughly 4.6 billion dollars in 2022. Still, this growing slice of the gaming industry has decades’ worth of catching up to do with the mainstream gaming market, which saw a valuation of an estimated $232.02 billion in the same year. But not all brands are going full throttle on Web3 features in their games. In 2022, Microsoft took a hard stance on NFTs in its proprietary Minecraft game, banning […]

Sewer Pass Fever Pitch: BAYC Nets $20 Million, Blocks Zero-Royalty Platforms

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The Alpha: On January 19, Yuga Labs launched Dookey Dash, an interactive minting experience playable until February 6. Users must have a Sewer Pass in their crypto wallet to play the game. These passes were initially airdropped to BAYC and MAYC NFT holders for free and have since started appearing on secondary NFT marketplaces, as announced by Yuga Labs in a Tweet. Public demand for Sewer Passes has reached a fever pitch since they first became available. Just three days since appearing on OpenSea, Sewer Passes have accrued a trading volume of over 13,000 ETH — more than $20 million […]

What Is a Core Update? – Whiteboard Friday

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Recorded at SearchLove London in October — in the wake of three Google updates — Tom presents a different take on core updates in this Whiteboard Friday. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Happy Friday, Moz fans. So I’m here at SearchLove London recording this Whiteboard Friday. I don’t know when it will reach you, but this is a bit of a different take on how to think about core updates. So obviously, I’m filming this in October. We’ve just had three updates back-to-back in quick succession. I […]

Interactive Content: 10 Types To Engage Your Audience via @sejournal, @JuliaGeekPack

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Understand interactive content, and why it is so important, and how you can create 10 types that can improve your user experience. The post Interactive Content: 10 Types To Engage Your Audience appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

10 Tools You Can Use For SEO Competitive Analysis via @sejournal, @martinibuster

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Here are the 10 SEO competitive analysis tools that you need to know. The post 10 Tools You Can Use For SEO Competitive Analysis appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Is Bitcoin a Religion? A Scholar of Religion Explains

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Read enough about Bitcoin, and you’ll inevitably come across people who refer to the cryptocurrency as a religion. Bloomberg’s Lorcan Roche Kelly called Bitcoin “the first true religion of the 21st century.” Bitcoin promoter Hass McCook has taken to calling himself “The Friar” and wrote a series of Medium pieces comparing Bitcoin to a religion. There is a Church of Bitcoin, founded in 2017, that explicitly calls legendary Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto its “prophet.” In Austin, Texas, there are billboards with slogans like “Crypto Is Real” that weirdly mirror the ubiquitous billboards about Jesus found on Texas highways. Like many […]

Here’s an Exclusive Look at Porsche’s NFT Pricing, Utility, and More

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NFTs let budget-conscious fans of high-end brands get their hands on what was once unattainable — affordable luxury goods. It sounds like an oxymoron, but a host of innovative companies have found ways to make luxury items more accessible thanks to Web3. Specifically, premier fashion brands like Balenciaga, Prada, and Gucci offer digital collectibles at a fraction of the price of their real-world designer items, allowing a new wave of fans to connect (and collect). But the world of Web3 luxury extends well beyond the digital runway. In November 2022, automaker Porsche announced its first official NFT collection. Now, in […]

Minors in the Metaverse: What You Need to Know About Safety

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What sort of online mischief did you get up to before you reached 18? You likely came across some form of explicit content or an unsavory individual through gaming, social media, or another peer-to-peer network. Considering the expansive nature of the world wide web and the confidence that anonymity affords, the internet can be a scary place for kids and teens. While a wide array of parental controls are available to help protect minors on the internet, the same isn’t entirely true for the metaverse. Built on the blockchain and designed around the idea of decentralization, the metaverse’s current form […]
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