Creative Data Networks
Upcoming Drops: January 17-22
Let’s face it: The NFT space moves really fast. Considering how quickly things can change in the metaverse, a week in NFTs might as well be a month IRL. Don’t get us wrong — the more people onboarded into the space, the merrier. But because of the constant influx of great art and ideas, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news, launches, and general happenings. Well, you can put the days of endless Twitter and Discord scrolling behind you, as we pull together a weekly list of upcoming NFT drops you definitely don’t want to miss. […]
The Significant 7: Top YouTube Videos, Shorts, And Ads of 2022 via @sejournal, @gregjarboe
Discover the top YouTube videos for 2022 and see what works in various industries. The post The Significant 7: Top YouTube Videos, Shorts, And Ads of 2022 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Website Indexing For Search Engines: How Does It Work? via @sejournal, @beanstalkim
Website indexing is one of the first steps (after crawling) in a process of how web pages are ranked and served as search engine results. The post Website Indexing For Search Engines: How Does It Work? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
The 18 Most Creative Ad Campaigns in History
I’ve always been a little leery of proclaiming anything “the best.” I never declared anyone my best friend as a kid because I was afraid my other friends might assume I thought less of them. So it was a little difficult for me to come up with just one “best” advertisement of all time—which is why there are 18 in this post instead. But why are these some of the best ads of all time? Because of the impact they had on brand growth and because they hit on some universal truth that makes them memorable years after they first […]
Ryan Reynolds Offers A Glimpse Into AI-powered Marketing
Welcome to HubSpot Marketing News! Tap in for campaign deep dives, the latest marketing industry news, and tried-and-true insights from HubSpot’s media team. Artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT has been the center of debate online because there are still so many unknowns when it comes to using AI. Is it ethical? Will it eliminate jobs? How can marketers use it to their advantage? Ryan Reynolds is offering a potential answer to the latter in his latest ad for Mint Mobile. In the video, Reynolds shares the ad criteria provided to ChatGPT and reads the AI-generated script directly to the camera. He […]
How to Align Your Blog with Your Organic Search Conversion Funnel
Business blogging is an interesting concept. Many businesses have a blog, and yet, in most cases, there isn’t much planning going into how those blogs fit into larger business goals. Someone on the team is just assigned to publish content regularly, and that’s what they do. A business blog is usually an island within a company: There’s likely, not much measuring, so no one has any idea if it is generating any traffic, sales, or rankings. And yet, despite a lack of planning or measuring, there may be some good traffic coming. Blogging is a good way to achieve “aссidental […]
Twitter Cuts Off Access To Third-Party Apps via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern
In a move sparking controversy across tech and developer communities, Twitter appears to have cut off access to third-party apps like Twitteriffic and Tweetbot. The post Twitter Cuts Off Access To Third-Party Apps appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Downloadable Content Strategy Template And How To Use It via @sejournal, @BrianFr07823616
Target your audience at every stage of the marketing funnel consistently. Here’s how to develop a content marketing strategy (with free templates!) The post Downloadable Content Strategy Template And How To Use It appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Will ChatGPT Take Your Job? via @sejournal, @BrianFr07823616
Automation and AI promise to revolutionize the way many people work, but don’t worry – you’re still going to be needed for a long time. The post Will ChatGPT Take Your Job? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.