Creative Data Networks
100 of the Best Hashtags for TikTok
TikTok has over 1 billion active users a month, making it one of the most popular social media platforms to date. With so many users, there are plenty of opportunities for brands to create viral content that captures the attention of their target audiences. But a billion monthly users also leads to stiff competition, so it’s important to use hashtags to bolster your content and help it stand out. If you’re worried about finding the right hashtag for your content, don’t worry! I’ve put together a list of 100 of the best hashtags for TikTok videos. No matter the kind […]
YouTube Hashtags: What Marketers Need to Know
When I first noticed YouTube hashtags being featured in videos, I thought they looked silly. At the time, I thought hashtags were only useful for platforms like Twitter or Instagram. It wasn’t until I clicked on a hashtag under an anime clip I was watching that I realized how useful the tags were. Clicking on the hashtag helped me easily find other anime-related videos and content creators. And when I started my own channel, hashtags helped users find and engage with my own videos. YouTube hashtags are a simple but effective way to bring more attention to your videos and […]
8 Must-Have Ecommerce Rich Snippets To Stand Out In Search via @sejournal, @digital_darts
Learn how to use ecommerce rich snippets as a powerful way to enhance a user’s shopping experience and increase your visibility in search engines. The post 8 Must-Have Ecommerce Rich Snippets To Stand Out In Search appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Search Engine Journal Promotes Jessica Cromwell To VP Of Sales via @sejournal, @itsduhnise
Search Engine Journal promotes Jessica Cromwell to VP of Sales after ten years of working together. The post Search Engine Journal Promotes Jessica Cromwell To VP Of Sales appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
9 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q3 2022
Did Q1 and Q2 whip past you? They did for me, but the pace of life often seems to slow down a little in autumn, and I hope you’ll join me for a relaxed and studious look at interesting local search marketing developments from the third quarter of 2022. 1) A small harvest of review-related changes I’m grouping four different review-related developments under this heading. First, Joy Hawkins spotted a change to Google’s guidelines on prohibited and restricted content. As I’ve covered here exhaustively in my Moz column, there are lots of things a business can do to rectify a […]
Google Core & Product Review Updates Finish Rolling Out via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern
Google’s recent core algorithm update and product review update are done rolling out as of September 26, 2022, the company confirms. The post Google Core & Product Review Updates Finish Rolling Out appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Upgrade Your SEO Content Strategy With These 3 Steps [Webinar] via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell
Struggle with adapting to fast-changing SEO standards? This webinar will help keep your content strategies up-to-date. The post Upgrade Your SEO Content Strategy With These 3 Steps [Webinar] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Upcoming Drops: September 26 – October 2
Let’s face it: The NFT space moves really fast. Considering how quickly things can change in the metaverse, a week in NFTs might as well be a month IRL. Don’t get us wrong — the more people onboarded into the space, the merrier. But because of the constant influx of great art and ideas, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news, launches, and general happenings. Well, you can put the days of endless Twitter and Discord scrolling behind you, as we put together a weekly list of upcoming NFT drops you definitely don’t want to miss. […]
How WhIsBe United 24 Leading Artists for His Next Drop
When New York-based artist WhIsBe — short for “What is beauty?” — first reignited the then-dormant flames of his creative fire in 2011, he was mostly concerned with following in the footsteps of his heroes in the traditional art world. Through graffiti, he thought, he could iterate on the works of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. The result was commercial imagery intent on the disruption of public spaces — WhIsBe’s take on graffiti art. But amidst all of WhIsBe’s subversive iconography, one recurring character in his works sticks out in its biting critique of the US criminal justice system: the […]
Pixelmon Has New Leadership. Can It Overcome the Rug Pull Allegations?
The Alpha: When Pixelmon first launched in February 2022 with a 10,005-piece collection of pixellated character NFTs, the NFT community quickly grew excited at the prospect of what seemed like a Web3-focused competitor to Pokémon. All that excitement swiftly turned into scorn the moment the Pixelmon team revealed what the game they were building would look like. Due to each NFT’s hefty 3 ETH price tag, the NFT community went on to call Pixelmon a “$70 million rug pull.” Pixelmon has announced the hiring of a new leadership team to help correct its course, according to an announcement initially reported […]