Creative Data Networks
Are expiring copyrights the next goldmine for NFTs?
Most people think of digital art when it comes to NFTs, but in the future, expiring copyrights could be preserved, refreshed and repurposed using nonfungible token technology.
Nifty News: NFT and Web3 gaming console to launch in 2024, Chinese firms to check ID for NFT buying and more
The console’s creators say it will be compatible with eight blockchains and have its own digital wallet, token, and marketplace, with a prototype coming in “a few months.”
Planning for a Post-Local-Pack Possibility
Local SEOs are accustomed to continuous change in the SERPs, but if S.2992, the American Innovation Online Choice Act, becomes law and prevents monopolies like Google from preferencing their own assets, we need to prepare for what could be the largest search overhaul we’ve ever seen. This could be bigger than the day we saw 7-packs become 3-packs. It could be bigger than any of the major updates like Possum or Vicinity. We’re talking about major potential change and new opportunity for local businesses. Just how big might it be? That’s exactly what we’ll be looking at today! Stats and […]
Twitter Name Ideas: The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing A Twitter Handle
With over 200 million daily users, using Twitter right offers you massive benefits as a new or existing business. Just as you would spend a considerable amount of time choosing your business name, Having a good handle is always a plus for marketing on Twitter. It’s also crucial to take time to consider your options before choosing or changing your Twitter handle. This article will show you the do’s and don’ts of choosing a Twitter handle and 25 examples of great Twitter business names. Twitter Name Do’s Do use your full business name. Making your Twitter handle as close to […]
Trigger Marketing: 7 Steps to Use It in Any Campaign + Examples
Although you may have a desired path for your potential consumers to take when they interact with you online, the truth is you have no control over it. Trigger marketing enables you to be at the ready, in whatever way your audience chooses to engage. In this article, we’ll cover all things trigger marketing, including its benefits, example, and the steps to leverage it. What is trigger marketing? The Benefits of Trigger Marketing How to Use Trigger Marketing Trigger Marketing Examples When you hear about marketing automation, you often think of detailed diagram of emails sent to different segments, broken […]
What is Blockchain? | The Ultimate Guide
As cryptocurrency continues to be a hot topic, you may be wondering if your business can benefit from crypto like bitcoin. But what if I told you the biggest opportunity for businesses of any kind is actually related to the technology that underlies bitcoin — blockchain. Blockchain, the public ledger that records all bitcoin transactions, is more than just a fad — it’s changing life as we know it. Don’t believe me? Follow along to learn more about blockchain and how it works, who’s using it, and the future of the technology. Feel free to email, bookmark, or jump to […]