Creative Data Networks
Every Monday Every Week All Holders will Be in a Live Raffle Wheel Spin — Creator’s Interview
Project Founder: Scott Warne Business Background:As Director of SHYDOG CREATIVE Ltd myself and my team have assisted over 23,000 businesses and brands with solutions for their branding and digital requirements including logo design, QR code builds and QR code subscriptions, auto-reply bot builds, email signature hosting with over 550 annual subscribers and growing daily, digital business card subscription through the talking V-card, web design and website management, social media design and social media advertising and video intro creation.As a digital company we also operate decentralised domain ownership and management including top level domains, sub domains, NFT creations and brand ownership with the Skelectables NFT collection […]
10 Local SEO Strategies For Doctors And Dentists via @sejournal, @atuljindal01
Want to increase traffic from organic search? Learn the top local SEO strategies doctors and dentists need to grow their practice and bookings. The post 10 Local SEO Strategies For Doctors And Dentists appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Get To Know Google’s Before: and After: Search Operators via @sejournal, @martinibuster
Introduced in 2019, the before: and after: search operators help you find webpages that were published during a specific time period. The post Get To Know Google’s Before: and After: Search Operators appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Google’s Preferred Structured Data: JSON-LD vs. Microdata via @sejournal, @martinibuster
What’s the best format for structured data? Check out the different types and which markup Google prefers. The post Google’s Preferred Structured Data: JSON-LD vs. Microdata appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
20 of the Best Professional Bio Examples We’ve Ever Seen [+ Templates]
Be honest, does your professional bio make a statement? If you have your doubts, it’s likely time to update your bio, and we have some of the best professional bio examples to get you started. Your professional bio is not only relevant when applying for jobs, seeking new clients, or networking — it also gives the world a brief snapshot of who you are and your professional ideals. But if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t think about your professional bio until you’re suddenly asked to “send one over via email.” You have approximately one afternoon to come up […]
How to Calculate Your Lead Generation Goals [Free Calculator]
To hit revenue and growth goals, your company needs customers. To get customers in an inbound world, your marketing team is responsible for generating leads and funneling them over to your sales team. The question is … how many leads? When your boss asks you what your lead goal is, don’t just pull an answer out of thin air. Your projections need to be based on math and anchored in your company’s larger goals. That’s where our new lead goal calculator comes in. Lead Calculator Image Source To make it easier for marketers like you to set your lead goals […]
SEO For Non-Profits: 7 Tips To Help Your Organization Get Found via @sejournal, @coreydmorris
Non-profits can benefit greatly from SEO when focusing resources on content, relationships, and the goals for specific stakeholders to further their missions. Here’s how. The post SEO For Non-Profits: 7 Tips To Help Your Organization Get Found appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Now You Can Add Corrections To YouTube Videos After Publishing via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern
A new feature for YouTube creators will make it possible to add corrections to videos after they go live. The post Now You Can Add Corrections To YouTube Videos After Publishing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
The Art of NFT Memberships: A Guide For Brands and Users
For decades, exclusive membership programs have served as a way for brands to form deeper relationships with their most active customers. Many businesses approach membership programs with a strategy that is at least partially tailored; however, most programs tend to follow one of two basic models: Paid memberships: Users pay a set dollar amount, typically either monthly or annually. In exchange, they receive a predetermined package of members-only benefits. These perks may include tickets to events, access to premium content, discounts on products, and so on. This is the most popular membership model, and it is used by clubs like […]