Creative Data Networks

RFIs: The Simple Guide to Writing a Request for Information

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Large corporations and government agencies don’t shop around for the best contractors and freelancers the same way a SaaS company or a small business might. Rather than relying on word of mouth, a quick Google search, or a Facebook ad, these organizations follow a procurement process that ensures fair business practices and quality results. As a preliminary step in the procurement process, an RFI gives a company or organization the information it needs to move forward with an RFP and RFQ. But what exactly is an RFI and what does this acronym stand for? RFIs are important because they reduce […]

How to Insert a Checkbox in Excel in 4 Easy Steps

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Adding a checkbox to your workbook may sound simple but it can expand the possibilities of what you can do in Excel. From checklists to graphs, there’s so much you can do. However, it starts with the checkbox. Learn everything you need to know about checkboxes below. How to Insert a Checkbox in Excel Add the developer tab to your Ribbon. Navigate to the Developer tab and locate the “Checkbox” option. Select the cell where you want to add the checkbox control then click the checkbox. Right-click the checkbox to edit the text and adjust sizing. To do this on […]

B2B Marketing News: Marketers Prevent World War III, Podcasts Are Booming, The State of Influencer Marketing

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What types of content would B2B marketers create with more resources? Research from reports that two-thirds of the marketers surveyed say they have created more content over the past year and 48% of respondents say they would like to produce a little more content than they currently create. Top formats include videos, infographics, ebooks, reports, white papers, events/webinars, case studies, email newsletters, social media posts and blog posts. . MarketingCharts The Client: Ukraine. The Brief: Prevent World War III. A group of agency professionals and freelancers from Ukraine’s creative industry has issued a weighty brief to the global creative […]

Plot Twist Story Prompts: Unexpected Mission

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Plot twist story prompts aren’t meant for the beginning or the end of stories. Rather, they’re for forcing big and small turns in the anticipated trajectory of a story. This is to make it more interesting for the readers and writers alike. Each week, I’ll provide a new prompt to help twist your story. Find last week’s prompt, Transgression Moment, here. Plot Twist Story Prompts: Unexpected Mission For today’s prompt, send your character (or characters) on a mission. The unexpected mission could be to send a hobbit with a group of dwarves to seek treasure (The Hobbit), or the mission […]

Best Sports Marketing Agencies in the USA

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In the previous decade, the rise of sports marketing as well as its impact on the industry, has been notable. There are far too many agencies for sports marketing in the USA today, and fierce competition for these brands or corporations makes developing a successful sports marketing campaign much more difficult.  There are plenty of … The post Best Sports Marketing Agencies in the USA appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Best Financial Marketing Agencies in the USA

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The best financial marketing agencies in the USA are gaining more importance as the finance industry is highly competitive and crowded. In addition, new financial institutions such as credit unions, banks, insurance companies, etc., step into the field each day. Therefore, you should create the best marketing strategy for your finance business to shine out … The post Best Financial Marketing Agencies in the USA appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Adele Myers: On Family History Inspiring Fiction

Adele Myers grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, and has a journalism degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She currently works in advertising and lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband, son and their rescue dog, Chipper. The Tobacco Wives is her first novel. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Adele Myers In this post, Adele discusses how stories from her family’s past led her to writing her historical fiction novel, The Tobacco Wives, how it went from short story to full novel, and more! Name: Adele MyersLiterary agent: Stefanie Lieberman, Janklow & NesbitBook […]

Fear Factor: How Embedding in Extreme Environments Can Lead to Compelling Fiction

Fear is a big, dumb mutt of a word. It’s what you feel when a bus barrels at you head on, when a wonky email lands in your inbox, when your kid says he’ll be home by nine and it’s nearly 11. But fear is useful. It springs you from the path of that bus, lifts your hand from the keys, fires up your detective skills to track down your kid. But fear, in all its incarnations—dread, apprehension, anxiety, unease, even awe—can do more than save you from buses; it can also make you smarter, more adept in your surroundings, […]

Metaverse Marketing Myths, Musts & Mantras #WAGMI via @sejournal, @lisabuyer

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There’s a lot of speculation about the Metaverse. We bust the myths and share how brands and influencers are using it right now. The post Metaverse Marketing Myths, Musts & Mantras #WAGMI appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Page Experience Update – Desktop Rollout Complete via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google confirms the page experience update finished its rollout to desktop search results. Now it’s time to start assessing the impact. The post Google Page Experience Update – Desktop Rollout Complete appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
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