Creative Data Networks

Your Story #117

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MoMo Productions via Getty Images Prompt: Write a short story of 650 words or fewer based on the photo prompt above. You can be poignant, funny, witty, etc.; it is, after all, your story. Email your submission to with the subject line “Your Story 117.” No attachments, please. Include your name and mailing address. Entries without a name or mailing address with be disqualified. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to every entry we receive, due to volume. No confirmation emails will be sent out to confirm receipt of submission. But be assured all submissions received before entry deadline are considered […]

YouTube Rolls Out New Metadata For Educational Videos via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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YouTube creators can now optimize educational videos with additional metadata, which will be displayed in search results in the future. The post YouTube Rolls Out New Metadata For Educational Videos appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Ads Announces Top 3 Priorities for 2022 via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

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Google Ads sheds light on their top three priorities for 2022: automation, measurement, and privacy. Learn how they’re tackling these topics. The post Google Ads Announces Top 3 Priorities for 2022 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

10 Great Examples of Welcome Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy

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We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good first impression. Show up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a ton of garlic and forget to brush your teeth before a first date? Also a bad first impression. It turns out that the “make a good first impression” principle holds true not only in face-to-face encounters but email interactions as well. The result? The right welcome email goes a long way to connect with potential business contacts or customers. When you send a welcome email to a new blog reader, newsletter subscriber, or […]

Best Social Media Analytics Tools for eCommerce Industry

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The best social media analytics tools for eCommerce assist businesses in collecting and interpreting data from social media platforms. These tools are fundamental and play a significant role in eCommerce marketing.   eCommerce has witnessed a dramatic increase, with revenue estimated to pass $599.2 billion by 2024. With the major growth in the eCommerce industry, reaching … The post Best Social Media Analytics Tools for eCommerce Industry appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

2022 February Flash Fiction Challenge: Day 16

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Earlier in the month, we talked a bit about character motivations. I want to revisit that subject from a new angle today. For today’s prompt, write about a hoarder. Remember: As mentioned yesterday, these prompts are just starting points; you have the freedom to go wherever your flash of inspiration takes you. (Note: If you happen to run into any issues posting, please just send me an e-mail at with the subject line: Flash Fiction Challenge Commenting Issue.) Here’s my attempt at writing about hoarding: Hoarder They’re coming, Arthur. It’s not like I haven’t thought about this, because I […]

Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 600

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Wow! Today marks 600 Wednesday Poetry Prompts! Good stuff. For today’s prompt, write an occasion poem. The occasion might be doing something for the first time, the 50th time, or 600th time. Or it might be a big event like watching the Super Bowl or giving heart-shaped cards to each other (with some kind of flowers and/or candy and/or use your imagination). Or the occasion could be something much more low key, though maybe just as important, like writing a poem. Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your possibilities, not limit them. Note on commenting: […]

6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

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Where robots.txt errors are concerned, prevention is definitely better than cure. Here’s how to fix the most common mistakes. The post 6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Conductor Acquires ContentKing To Offer Real-time SEO Monitoring via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Conductor announces its first major move after raising $150M in funding with the acquisition of ContentKing, a real-time SEO auditing and monitoring technology. The post Conductor Acquires ContentKing To Offer Real-time SEO Monitoring appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

What Is B2B Marketing Automation Plus the Best Software

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Marketing automation allows your team to increase productivity while simultaneously nurturing more leads. Within the category of marketing automation tools are B2B marketing automation tools — software that’s ideal for the B2B marketer. B2B Marketing Automation B2B marketing automation allows you to streamline marketing tasks and role responsibilities through workflows and triggers. B2B marketing automation is meant to help your team stay productive and efficient while nurturing your leads. B2B Marketing Automation Examples Here are some examples of how you might use B2B marketing automation on your team. Trigger follow-up workflows after leads visit high-intent web pages (e.g. product page, […]
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