Creative Data Networks

How To Get More Leads In 2022 Using Webinars via @sejournal, @bigmarker

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Are you generating leads at your highest potential? 53% of marketers say webinars are the top-of-the-funnel format that generates the most high-quality leads. The post How To Get More Leads In 2022 Using Webinars appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Get To Know Botify: A Sneak Peek Inside With CEO Adrien Menard via @sejournal, @mirandalmwrites

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Perhaps you’ve heard of enterprise crawler-turned-end-to-end-SEO-management solution Botify in the past. But what has the company and its team been up to lately? And perhaps most importantly for this audience – where are they headed and what are they looking for in new SEO talent to help get them there? I had a chance to chat recently with Botify’s CEO, Adrien Menard. Read on for his take on the most pressing challenges and opportunities in enterprise SEO, what’s new with his brand and tool, what Botify is looking for in new SEO hires, and more. What Are The Greatest Analytics […]

Everything You Need To Know About Performance Appraisals

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As a manager, your ability to inform your teams about the successful high-impact behaviors they exhibit or skills that need further development is a critical practice in determining your business’ overall ability to reach its goals and find success. In this post, learn how a performance appraisal will help you give employees direction, the different types of performance appraisals, and example comments to include when you schedule those 1:1 sessions. Businesses use performance appraisals to understand employee progress, give raises or promotions, create paths for further development, or, sometimes, discuss terminations. These appraisals typically happen multiple times per year at […]

How to Use Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide

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Over the past few years, Instagram has seen exponential growth — from one million users at its inception to over one billion in 2022. If you’re interested in getting an Instagram account, or just created one but aren’t sure how to use it, you’re in luck. Here, we’re going to cover all the basics, so you can learn why Instagram is the top social media platform for engagement today. It’s hard to remember a time before Instagram. At one time, “Do it for the ‘gram” was a common saying, which meant, essentially, “Do something so we can take a picture […]

Jessica Pryde: On Representation in Romance

Jessica Pryde is a Contributing Editor for Book Riot, where she is the co-host of the “When In Romance” podcast, and writes about bookish things of all kinds. Having earned an AB in the Interdisciplinary Project in the Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis and her MLIS at San Jose State University, she is now a librarian for a public library system in Southern Arizona, where she lives with her husband and an ever-growing collection of Funko!Pops. Black Loves Matter is her first book. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Jessica Pryde © James Galloway-Reed In this post, […]

5 Keys to Writing a Slow Burn Romance

Anyone who really knows me would happily tell you that patience is not a virtue I possess. (What Writers Should Know About High-End Weddings) And yet, patience is key when writing a slow burn romance, because it’s not just the reader waiting to get to “the good parts,” but the writer as well. You have to lay the foundation, create the tension, and amp up the angst, so that by the time your couple finally gives in, all the pining pays off. Here are a few tips to make that slow burn flame hot hot hot: 1. Build the tension. […]

Google Says Emojis Won’t Hurt Or Help SEO via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google provides an update on the use of emojis in webpage titles and meta descriptions, saying they’ll neither hurt or help SEO. The post Google Says Emojis Won’t Hurt Or Help SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Paid Search In A Cookieless World: Are You Ready? [Webinar] via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

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Third-party cookies are disappearing. Learn how savvy marketers are overcoming this challenge and getting a first-mover advantage by utilizing improved paid search techniques. The post Paid Search In A Cookieless World: Are You Ready? [Webinar] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Which Social Networks Should You Advertise on in 2022?

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Whether you use it to supplement your existing inbound marketing efforts or to reinvigorate your entire strategy, social media is an effective tool to meet your marketing objectives. There are various social media platforms to choose from, and each comes with an audience that brings different advertising potential. Even though there are so many platforms, HubSpot’s Senior Manager of Social Media, Kelly Hendrickson, doesn’t think that you should be using all of them. Hendrickson says, “When it comes to choosing which social platforms to invest in, there’s often not a one-size-fits-all answer.” This is because, based on your business’s buyer […]

20 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2022, According to HubSpot Bloggers

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Sometimes, when I tell people that I blog for a living, they roll their eyes. “That’s so easy,” they say. “You get a paycheck for sitting on the internet all day and writing. A monkey could do your job!” That’s when I roll my eyes. See, people are quick to deem blogging as a no-brainer job. But when they actually sit down to write their first couple of posts, it hits them: This is way harder than I thought. Like any person starting a new job, they mess things up. That’s okay — it happens to pretty much every new […]
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