Artificial Intelligence / 131 posts found
Are Virtual Influencers the Future of Marketing, or Untrustworthy Advertising (Top 15 Virtual Influencers)
Just last week, I purchased a yoga mat after seeing a sponsored post on Instagram from fitness influencer Cassey Ho. Ho commands a large following on YouTube thanks to her bubbly personality and Pilates prowess. Ultimately, her endorsement was enough for me to click “Buy.” But could this influencer magic work with a non-human influencer? In 2023, computer-generated influencers might argue, “Yes.” Here, we’ll discuss whether virtual influencers are the future of marketing, and list the top 15 virtual influencers of 2023. Let’s dive in. Tables of Contents What is a virtual influencer? Are Virtual Influencers The Future of Marketing? […]
Which AI Tool Writes the Best Marketing Copy? [I Tested Several Different Tools]
As a marketing copywriter, I can tell you writing is critical to any successful marketing campaign, from emails to social media posts to blogs. Even the most seasoned writer can struggle to keep up with demand, so taking advantage of the AI tools available to streamline your process and boost your productivity is crucial. But what tool is best for you and the content you need to create? I tested several AI copywriting platforms to find which tools write the best marketing copy. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a better idea of what tools you should […]
These Popular YouTube Influencers Are All AI Avatars: Is This the Future of YouTube?
One thing you may not know about me is that I love to go to comic and anime conventions. It’s so fun to see your favorite actors, artists, and YouTubers speaking directly to their fans in panel discussions. But at the last convention I attended, the largest panel room had been reserved for a creator under the name LeeandLie (AmaLee). And after seeing hundreds of people gather to see them, I joined myself to see what they do. I learned that this voice actor, singer, and YouTube creator had amassed 2.21 million followers and over a billion video views, and […]
Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters
In school, I learned the basics of good writing — keep it short, concise, and grammatically correct. By that definition, AI-written content should be good, right? Yet, when I play around with tools like ChatGPT, I notice a few red flags. Sure, it’s grammatically correct, but it gives off serious “corporate speak” vibes. It follows a logical sequence, but it often goes on lengthy tangents. And while its responses may be accurate, it often lacks a unique perspective. This isn’t to suggest AI-written content is inherently bad. But if you plan to leverage AI for content creation, it’s important to know […]
I tried writing a blog post with ChatGPT, so you don’t have to.
If you‘re a marketer who does a lot of writing, you’ve probably heard about writers, bloggers, and other creators using tools like ChatGPT to streamline the writing process. However, if you‘re a skeptical writer like me, you’re probably a little wary of using AI to craft your content. You might think: “Can this tool write well? Will it capture the correct voice and tone I want? Is it accurate? How can I use it?” Fortunately, you don‘t need to wonder anymore. I tried using ChatGPT to write a blog post, and I will share my experience and let you know […]
Google AI: How One Tech Giant Approaches Artificial Intelligence
Have you ever sat paralyzed, trying to craft the perfect text message? Well, one experiment from Google AI may provide the perfect solution. The team’s AI-powered Magic Compose provides multiple sample texts, so you just have to choose the right one. You can already join the waitlist to try it out. This year, we’ve seen an explosion of AI tools — with the rise of Chat GPT and pending developments in AI search. Google is one of the major players looking to bring the power of AI directly to your fingertips. In this post, we’ll explore Google AI, its progress, […]
How to Mix Data Science and AI Without Expertise in Either (Expert Tips & Tools)
As a marketer, you‘ve likely noticed data’s importance in decision-making and strategizing. You’re also probably tired of being bogged down with manually collecting and reporting data. Data science is integral to the marketing world, but time is money, and the time you spend working with large datasets could go toward performing other tasks, such as content marketing. Fortunately, artificial intelligence can blend with data science in many ways to make your job as a marketer easier without neglecting essential practices like data reporting. We will explore the connection between data science and AI and tools you can use as a […]
Which Types of Content to Lean into Ahead of Google’s SGE — and What to Avoid
Once Google releases its search generative experience, one thing is for certain: The types of content that encourages traffic to your website will change tremendously. Straightforward, cut-and-dry topics like “How to create a social media strategy” might not drive as much traffic to your website anymore. Instead, users will find the answers to queries like that directly on Google through the generative AI snapshot. Which is an alarming thought. If some of your content is made redundant by generative AI, what could happen to your traffic and leads in a post-SGE world? Fortunately, HubSpot’s SEO team has taken some of […]
3 Facets of Inbound Marketing Won’t Be the Same After AI: Here’s Why
Inbound marketing is about providing unique, standalone value via content to your prospects. It’s a “show, don’t-tell” methodology: I will show you that my brand is empathetic, helpful, and trustworthy, rather than simply telling you it is. But what about a world in which people don’t turn to your brand anymore to find content … They turn to AI? The marketing industry is changing rapidly as a result of AI, and with any change, it’s normal to question the status quo: Will the traditional inbound marketing playbook continue to triumph in a post-AI world? Inbound marketing isn’t going anywhere, but […]
What Jobs Will AI Replace & Which are Safe in 2023
Is AI taking over jobs? A quarter of workers are worried it is. There’s even a website called “Will Robots Take My Job?” where you can input a job title and see the likelihood of it being taken over by AI. The site is interesting to explore, but it’s important to understand the facts. To give you an idea of how AI might affect the workforce, we’ll discuss the impact it’s already had, a list of jobs that AI can and cannot replace, and expert advice on how to future-proof your career and come out on top. Table of Contents […]