Email Marketing Tools / 17 posts found

What is a Lead Magnet? 20 Lead Magnet Ideas and Examples [+ Step-by-Step]

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Lead magnets, in marketing, are an effective technique for gaining a prospect’s contact information. The problem is these magnets can take a lot of time and energy to produce. Podcasts, e-learning courses, video series, and contests all sound great – but who has time to create them all? In this article, we’ll explain what a lead magnet is, as well as provide lead magnet ideas you can create today by repurposing content you already have. Before I share lead magnet examples, let’s quickly review the conversion path that turns website visitors into leads – and the role email marketing plays […]

Email Blacklist: How to Get Off It (By Avoiding It In The First Place)

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In the email marketing industry, sending spam or unsolicited bulk messaging can taint any organization’s brand. It can prompt mailbox providers to filter their messages to the spam folder or place them on an email blacklist. In this article, we’re going to explain what an email blacklist is, how to avoid getting placed on one, and how to tell if you’ve been blacklisted. What is an email blacklist? How to Avoid an Email Blacklist How to Check if You’re On an Email Blacklist How to Get Off an Email Blacklist Some blacklists, like Spamhaus, are credible and widely trusted, so […]

What is Double Opt-In in Email Marketing?

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Are you thinking about the quality of your email list? Or do you want to make sure your subscribers are intending to read the email marketing you send out? You may have found your answer in double opt-in, which is a process that ensures the best experience for your subscribers. Rather than single opt-in, double opt-in offers an extra step in the verification process. To ensure the best results from your email marketing campaigns, keep reading to learn what double opt-in is, and how to set it up. Double Opt-in vs. Single Opt-in In one step, users can subscribe to […]

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and More

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Imagine waiting for an important email, never receiving it then discovering it in your junk folder months later. That’s pretty frustrating. The same can happen between a brand and its subscribers – wasting a marketing team’s time and resources. In this article, learn how to whitelist an email on all major email providers like Gmail and Outlook. If you’re a marketer, discover ways to encourage your subscribers to do so. Table of Contents What is a whitelist email? How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail How to Whitelist an Email in Outlook How to Whitelist an Email in Yahoo How […]

How to Create a Product Launch Email [Outlines + Templates]

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There are few times more exciting in a company than during a product launch. Anticipation brews and a sense of optimism emerges around the prospect of a growth in market share. Still, a question always arises when a new product launches: do enough people know about this launch for it to be successful? There are multiple avenues to communicate through during a product launch — ads, social media, PR, and blog promotion, to name a few. Yet, one of the most underrated and effective communication methods to alert internal and external stakeholders is a product launch email. Not only do […]

23 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your Open and Clickthrough Rates [+HubSpot Blog Data]

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Practicing good inbound marketing means sending emails to people who actually want to hear from you. But oftentimes, your emails still end up getting lost in your customers’ inbox clutter — or worse, their spam folder. And then, when someone actually opens your email, they don’t actually click through. You might think to yourself, “Ugh, I just can’t win.” Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Here are 23 tips that are perfect for small and growing businesses, but anyone can embrace right now to improve their emails’ open rates, clickthrough rates, and lead generation potential. Email Marketing Tips for Small […]

10 Great Examples of Welcome Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy

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We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good first impression. Show up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a ton of garlic and forget to brush your teeth before a first date? Also a bad first impression. It turns out that the “make a good first impression” principle holds true not only in face-to-face encounters but email interactions as well. The result? The right welcome email goes a long way to connect with potential business contacts or customers. When you send a welcome email to a new blog reader, newsletter subscriber, or […]
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