Goal Setting / 8 posts found

Goals vs Objectives: The Simple Breakdown

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Everyone on your team should understand the difference between a goal and an objective. I know it sounds simple, but terminology confusion is one of the biggest causes of misalignment in business strategy. Whether you use the OKR model, the KPI framework, the Golden Circle, or another methodology, the difference between goals and objectives must be made abundantly clear. Without this shared knowledge, teams could risk wasting time on irrelevant activities, at best, or working against a common purpose, at worst. Here, we’ll explain the difference between goals and objectives and discuss some of the most effective goal-setting frameworks used […]

How to Write a SMART Goal [+ Free SMART Goal Template]

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Work can feel like a never-ending grind when you’re not chasing a clear goal. A SMART goal template can help you clarify your motivations, set a clear direction for you and your team members, and ensure you’re able to celebrate the wins when they come along. But what exactly is a SMART goal, and how does it differ from a regular goal? To help you write SMART goals, we’ve created a free template with all the tools you need to get started. What is a SMART goal? The letters of SMART stand for: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound The SMART […]

How to Create a 5-Year Plan You’ll Actually Stick To [In 4 Steps]

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One common question you’ll get asked in an interview is, “Where do you see yourself in five years?“ When it’s coming from a hiring manager, we usually have an answer ready. When it comes to your personal life, do you have a five-year plan? In the most stressful times in my life, planning brings me great joy and peace. But who says you have to wait for the stress to come? In this article, we’ll outline why you should create a five-year plan and how to build one you’ll follow through with. Benefits of a 5-Year Plan Whether professional or […]

Why Every Company Needs to Know Its Core Competencies

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Every resume has a skills section. It’s an opportunity to highlight your top professional attributes to attract employers. Core competencies serve the same purpose for brands and their customers. Let’s dive into what exactly a core competency is, why you need it, and how to find it in your brand. You might be wondering, “Isn’t this a value proposition? ” Not exactly. While both are used to differentiate you from your competitors, competencies are what you leverage to support your value proposition. For instance, at Uber, their value proposition is “Always on, always available.” What’s their core competency? An easy-to-use […]

Revenue Marketing: What It is and Why It Matters

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91% of marketers are confident that their making marketing decisions will positively impact revenue. Are you one of them? As marketers, we’re well-versed in the main goals of internet marketing: to generate leads and new business. Revenue generated from online marketing justifies why we include online channels in our marketing efforts. How then, do marketers come up with a winning online marketing strategy that directly ties to their revenue goals? If you’re unsure of the answer, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ve outlined the steps that you can take to plan successful revenue marketing campaigns. Let’s explain revenue […]

The 9 Goals to Consider When Creating a Marketing Strategy

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If someone asks you to list a few marketing goal examples, could you? When many think of marketing, they go to the big flashy examples – like SuperBowl commercials and Spotify’s annual “Wrapped” campaigns. But the truth is, that’s likely the result of months of strategizing. Before you can build your strategy though, you first need a clear goal. What does your business want to accomplish? Maybe you need more traffic to your website or perhaps you want to generate more leads. If you need help figuring out what that is, we’ve got you covered. A campaign without a clear […]

Best Goal Setting Worksheet to Help You Plan & Achieve

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Accomplishing your goals is an incredibly gratifying feeling. However, it can sometimes be challenging to get that feeling, since achieving goals takes time, effort, and a structured process. This is why it’s important to create plans of action for meeting the goals that will help you stay motivated and ensure you’re on the right path. In this post, we’ll go over three goal-setting worksheets created by HubSpot to help you outline your goals with the SMART framework and create a plan for achieving them. The template is broken down into relevant sections to help you through the process, and if […]

5 Dos and Don’ts When Making a SMART Goal [Examples]

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Every year I create vague New Years resolutions, but this year I decided to try something different.  Using the SMART goal framework (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound), I reworded my 2022 goal from “read more books” to “read two books per month to hit my goal of reading 24 before the end of the year.”   The SMART framework is an effective strategy for creating more specific and attainable goals. Plus, it provides benchmarks against which you can measure your progress — if you have a larger, more daunting goal, smaller steps can help you remain motivated.  Here, let’s explore […]
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