Inbound Marketing / 3 posts found

Bad Marketing Advice in Action (and What We Can Learn)

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Bad marketing advice can make or break a brand. If marketers sidestep well-meaning but counterproductive suggestions, they’re better positioned to capture consumer interest. What happens if they take this marketing advice to heart? Spoiler alert: It’s not great. Here are 11 examples of bad marketing advice in action — and what we can learn from these customer-facing failures. 11 Examples of Marketing Advice Gone Wrong Read on for our list of 11 bad marketing moments, or use the jump links to find your favorite example. The KFC Calendar Clash The Gap Logo Lesson The Pepsi Protest Problem The Burger King […]

The Best Inbound Marketing Agencies of 2023

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Born in the digital age, “Inbound Marketing” is nearing its 20th birthday. HubSpot Co-founder Brian Halligan coined the term in 2005 because the internet has forever changed buyers’ journeys. As recently as 2008, influential marketers were using inbound marketing to describe drawing in customers instead of outbound mass marketing. In his article “Dawn of the Inbound Marketing Agency,” Paul Roetzer explained how wired PR firms, digital PR firms, and Internet PR firms will redefine the industry and give birth to a new category of agency — the inbound marketing agency. While every inbound marketing agency is slightly different, they have […]

What is the Buyer’s Journey?

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The wealth of information on the Internet has made buyers more informed than ever before. Before making a purchase, they’re taking on a more active role in sales conversations, steering clear of aggressive and inauthentic sales tactics.  That said, your business will need to adapt to the changing times and communicate with empathy to encourage […]
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