Office Culture / 8 posts found

26 Company Swag Ideas Employees Will Actually Like

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Research shows that company swag can be a highly effective tool for boosting engagement. In fact, in one recent study, 61% of survey respondents agreed that promotional products help build brand awareness, and 58% reported that they loved getting swag. That being said, through my experience as the head of marketing at two different tech companies, I’ve found that not all swag is equally well-received. What does it take to make sure that you invest in creating swag that people will actually like? In this article, I’ll start by explaining what company swag is and how to order it, and […]

60 Remote Work Stats to Know in 2024

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My first marketing job was as a contract writer for an agency on the opposite side of the world. This also happened to be my first “real” job and, consequently, my first experience of remote work. Since then, I’ve worked with several other companies across multiple time zones and, as a result, experienced everything remote work has to offer — from the challenges of setting up a home office to the joys of location independence. But more importantly, I’ve also gotten to consciously observe the growth and impact of remote work over time. In this post, I’ll be sharing 60 […]

The HubSpot Culture Code: Creating a Company We Love

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Several years ago, we published a public beta of the HubSpot Culture Code slide deck. This deck started out as an internal document, and as a company who values transparency, we decided to share it with the world. Like HubSpot, the Culture Code is a perpetual “work in progress,” so we’ll update it periodically. To date, we’ve updated it more than 25 times, and what you see below is our latest version. The presentation has been very well received, with more than 5 million views so far. (Thank you!) HubSpot is growing. We have about 73,400 customers and more than […]

10 Tips on How to Fight Burnout, According to Experts and Data

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The beginning of a new year can be filled with excitement and positive change, but a busy lifestyle can still weigh on you, even if you love your job or company. When this happens, you can run into one of the dreaded mental conditions: burnout. The World Health Organization classifies burnout as a legitimate health condition, saying it’s a “phenomenon” characterized by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy.” This condition significantly impacts millennials. As of February 2021, 42% of millennials […]

Workforce Trends You Need To Know About in 2022 [New Data]

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The past two years have brought on changes in the workforce, especially when it comes to how people do their jobs and where they do their jobs. In this post, we’ll discuss new data from HubSpot’s State of Consumer Trends Report that shows exactly how consumers feel about work in 2022 and what they expect from their employers. How Consumers Feel About Work in 2022 In 2022, consumers want businesses to continue to offer the remote and hybrid work models that increased in popularity in 2020. The State of Consumer Trends survey found that 40% of respondents are in the office […]

Back to the Office? Remote and Hybrid Employees Would Rather Quit [Data from 1000 Consumers]

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Remember when we used to wake up bright and early and commute to the office five days a week? Thinking back, it feels like a distant memory of a time before Covid-19. But for some workers, the days of rolling out of bed and hopping on a computer from the comfort of home could be coming to an end. With the pandemic winding down, many companies like Apple and Google are going for a hybrid model, asking employees to come in a few days a week. But others, notably Tesla and Goldman Sachs, are requiring workers to come back to the […]

Why HubSpot Sees More Representation Than Ever in 2022, According to HubSpot Employees

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As of January 2022, HubSpot has 5,900 global employees. Such a large employee base equals a workforce of people with different identities, backgrounds, and cultures that are important to them. HubSpot recognizes this and doesn’t want what makes every employee unique to be checked at the door before work begins. Instead, it champions differences and works to make sure that everyone feels represented, safe, welcome, and able to be themselves at work. Let’s discuss how HubSpot does this. Key Insights from HubSpot’s 2022 DI&B Report HubSpot releases a yearly DI&B report to share progress on DI&B commitments. Here are some […]

32 of the Best Office Pranks & Practical Jokes to Use at Work

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We asked our friends and combed the internet for examples of some of the funniest office pranks, and pulled together this list virtual April Fool’s pranks and in office pranks to serve as inspiration for your own. Every company has a story about that funny office prank of yore. Whether you’re doing some early April Fool’s Day research, or just feeling a little tricksy, it’s time to get a prank of your own in the books. Here are some ideas. Remote Pranks for Virtual Teams The above pranks are awesome, but what about pranks that are inclusive for remote employees […]
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