web3 / 509 posts found

Jack Butcher Unveils Checks Elements NFT Collection

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The Alpha Jack Butcher, of Checks VV and Visualize Value, has announced his newest project. Checks Elements is a 152-piece, generative art collection of hand-drawn monoprints and non-fungible token pairs, which he says explores “the ever-evolving relationship between consensus and truth.” The collection will feature four elements: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Three of the four elements will be auctioned off at Christie’s on May 16. Thirty percent of the auction proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  Each digital piece will come with a 30” x 42” physical counterpart made by master printmaker Jean Robert Milant. […]

Meet 10 Trailblazing Asian Founders Shaping the Future of Web3

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If you’re familiar with the commonly used phrase “wait until Asia wakes up,” typically associated with global financial markets and specifically the stock market, it also holds true in the realm of NFTs. While often used in a lighthearted manner, this phrase highlights the substantial influence Asian markets can wield over the global financial landscape, including Web3. The Web3 and NFT landscape is inherently global, and featuring the accomplishments of Asian founders can help build a more interconnected and global ecosystem, with a broader range of perspectives and ideas contributing to its growth and development. In celebration of Asian American […]

Tessera and Escher Will Cease All Operations

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In a sudden announcement today, Andy Chorlian, Co-Founder and CEO at the Fractional Token Company, revealed that Web3 platforms Tessera and Escher would begin slowly winding down operations in the near future.  Launched in 2021 under the name Fractional Art, Tessera made a name for itself as a Web3 service that specializes in the fractionalized ownership of NFTs, allowing fans to own a piece of blue-chip NFTs like Bored Apes or CryptoPunks. The platform also powers Nounlets, an experimental NFT initiative that allows for the collective ownership of a single Noun. Escher, which launched in March 2023, was designed as […]

Why foobar Built Delegate Cash (and Why Web3 Needs to Do Better)

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Few individuals in Web3 have contributed as much to the space as 0xfoobar has. The machine-learning specialist turned software developer, auditor, and founder is a prolific voice in the NFT scene, highlighting security flaws in project contracts and advising the community on the space’s most popular trends. He’s also one of its more steady-handed pragmatists, viewing Web3’s evolution on a long-term scale. While foobar has had a hand in several Web3 endeavors over the years, his most well-known accomplishment may be the creation of Delegate Cash, a service that allows users to create and assign hot wallets as a delegate […]

Coinbase Boycott Explained: $PEPE Community Reacts to “Hate Symbol” Label

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The Alpha: Coinbase is facing backlash for labeling Pepe the Frog, the mascot of the $PEPE memecoin, as a hate symbol associated with the alt-right. A newsletter sent out via email to Coinbase customers sparked outrage within the $PEPE community, leading to calls for Web3 to boycott the exchange and “#DeleteCoinbase” to start trending on Twitter. Some users are now migrating their $PEPE holdings to Gemini as the price of the popular memecoin continues to fall. Dive deeper: Coinbase ignited controversy this week by labeling Pepe the Frog, the mascot of the $PEPE memecoin, as a hate symbol associated with […]

Goodbye, Unwanted NFTs: 5 Ways to Clean Your Collection

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Everyone has an NFT or two that they regret holding. This is simply the nature of the NFT ecosystem. Sometimes floor prices plummet, and collectors are left with few options. Or perhaps a creator is found to be a swindler, leaving those who bought their IP in limbo. Or worse yet, maybe an unsolicited NFT was airdropped into a user’s wallet without consent. Whatever the case, these unwanted NFTs can exist as a hindrance, a shameful reminder of the unsavory parts of the NFT space that enthusiasts often prefer to keep under wraps. But sending them to junk wallets or […]

A Guide to Memecoins: The Risk and Reward of $PEPE, Dogecoin, and More

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With NFT sales volume steadily declining since January 2023, memecoins — such as $PEPE, $DOGE, and $TURBO — have emerged as the center of attention in the crypto space. Unlike conventional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, memecoins are primarily used as trading instruments and lack any specific utility tied to particular blockchain features, such as Ethereum’s use of Dapps and DAOs. While memecoins give traders an opportunity to make large amounts of money in short periods of time, they are also very volatile and unstable. As such, they should be approached with caution. Here’s what to know about memecoins, […]

Alpha Centauri Kid and OSF on Art and Doing Web3 Events Right

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IRL events in Web3 can be a tricky thing to get right. Whether it’s exorbitant ticket prices or gatherings that feel more like an excuse to throw a party than a way to appreciate and support artists and their work, NFT enthusiasts can have a hard time navigating the off-the-laptop realm. So it’s refreshing when an organization hones in on an immersive gallery experience that puts the art front and center.  It was with this in mind that the fine art institution HOFA Gallery (House of Fine Art) unveiled Beyond the Screen on May 5, an exhibition celebrating digital and […]

OpenSea’s Insider Trading Case Is a Wake-Up Call for Web3

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Web3 has a bad habit of leveraging its niche, insulated existence as cover to engage in objectionable behaviors. While the nascent state of the crypto and NFT market allows for seemingly boundless opportunities for all types of creatives and builders, its relatively unregulated nature (and promise of earning millions in a moment) can tempt people to act in ways that would result in fines or even jail time in other industries.  That Web3 is not beyond the reach of regulatory or punitive oversight is something that the community is reminded of with increasing frequency these days. On May 3, Nathaniel […]

The Promise of Bitcoin Is About Much More Than Financial Freedom

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Imagine a game of chess where the pieces are all jumbled up. A player might be given four queens while their opponent has none or a score of bishops and rooks to match. Such is the premise behind “Really Bad Chess,” released in 2016 by developer Zach Gage. Although many have analogized chess to the world at large (viewing the game as a microcosm of society with its hierarchy, roles, and interactions among the pieces), what makes “Really Bad Chess” more fitting is that (as in the game) life doesn’t offer an equal starting point for everyone.  Some players must […]
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