B2B Marketing / 47 posts found

Winning B2B Calls to Action That Get Responses & Convert Browsers into Buyers

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Calls to action (CTAs) are often treated as an afterthought in content creation, which is odd since they are arguably the most consequential element. Digital marketers and their campaigns are evaluated through a great many factors, which are growing more deep and nuanced as analytics evolve, but conversions are still the name of the game. It’s the easiest thing to measure and the surest sign that your content made an impact. With this in mind, it’s probably worth taking a step back and rethinking your CTA strategy. If you’re cruising on autopilot and running a generic “Download guide” or “Request […]

To Gate or Not to Gate? Changing Trends in B2B Marketing

Q: How many lead gen marketers does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Please fill out the form below and we will email you the punchline. The great gate debate continues to rage throughout the B2B marketing world. What once was a landscape full of sparse landing pages with lead gen forms has become an ocean of content. But still, there’s little consensus about how to get the most value out of what we marketers create. Does ungating content devalue it? Does gating content make it inaccessible to the audience you’re most trying to reach? We all agree that […]

Free The Story: How B2B Marketers Can Use Digital Storytelling To Bring Content Alive In New Ways

How does digital storytelling help B2B marketers bring content to life in powerful new ways? With more B2B buying research and ongoing customer engagement than ever taking place online over the past two years, there have never been as many opportunities to benefit from digital storytelling, yet greater competition has made it vital to create content that truly stands out and engages. Let’s take a look at how well-crafted digital storytelling can propel B2B content to new successes, and how B2B marketers can breathe new life into content in a variety of digital formats. Empathy Transforms Digital Storytelling A shift […]

B2B Marketing News: Marketers Prevent World War III, Podcasts Are Booming, The State of Influencer Marketing

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What types of content would B2B marketers create with more resources? Research from Parse.ly reports that two-thirds of the marketers surveyed say they have created more content over the past year and 48% of respondents say they would like to produce a little more content than they currently create. Top formats include videos, infographics, ebooks, reports, white papers, events/webinars, case studies, email newsletters, social media posts and blog posts. . MarketingCharts The Client: Ukraine. The Brief: Prevent World War III. A group of agency professionals and freelancers from Ukraine’s creative industry has issued a weighty brief to the global creative […]

Faster Frontiers: How Does 5G Technology Affect B2B Marketers?

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How will 5G technology change the way B2B marketers tell brand stories, and what new opportunities will the speedier forthcoming mobile standard offer? With impacts that will range from slight in some areas to deeply significant in others, the upcoming rollout of 5G cellular network technology is poised to change how the world of B2B marketing operates. “5G will unlock a raft of new applications: IoT, process management, and utility metering for enterprise; and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), immersive haptic and 3D holographic experiences for consumers,” Kevin L. Jackson, CEO at GC GlobalNet, recently observed. Let’s take […]

Words of Business Wisdom From 10 Women Who Inspire Great B2B Marketing

When I look back at my childhood, my mom, first generation Bachelors degree in tow, worked four days a week. And ‘ran’ the evenings on her own at home while my dad was dairy farming. When she looks back, her mother ran the household and picked up shifts waitressing when the farm wasn’t making ends meet. And before that, working outside the home wasn’t something my great grandmother would have dreamed of. It is on the backs of everyday women like my mother, and the likes of Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, among others, that I was […]

Visual Focus: The Digital Designs Propelling B2B Brand Success In 2022

Which digital designs will shine the brightest in 2022 when it comes to telling the evolving stories of B2B brands in fresh new ways? Each year the world’s biggest firms in the world of design publish their takes on the new innovations that may come down the pike over the next 12 months, and while never a guarantee of digital design success, savvy B2B marketers and designers tend to keep tabs on the yearly visual shifts put out by Adobe, Pantone, and others. Let’s take a look at some of the design ideas that are helping brands craft their digital […]

5 Helpful Ways B2B Marketers Can Achieve Content Approval

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The “Wild West” of content marketing stuck around longer than we may have imagined, but COVID-19 well and truly brought it to a close. These days, 82% of marketers use content marketing, over 40% of marketers say content is a very important part of their strategy, and 70% plan to actively continue investing in it in the long term. If content marketing is such big business now, however, why does so much of it still feel distinctly lawless? Nowhere is that more true than when it comes to actually getting either client or internal approval for your content. You go […]

Here, There & Everywhere: What Does Best-Answer Content Mean For B2B Marketers in 2022?

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Fundamentally by its very nature, there will always be a single truly best answer to any question. So how is best-answer B2B marketing content any different in 2022 than it’s previously been? Providing that best solution — or to use the term our CEO and co-founder Lee Odden has been using since at least 2011 —  being the best answer, may indeed be a singular solution, however the effort that B2B marketers need to make in 2022 to achieve it has changed in several important ways. Let’s take a look at the key ways that being the best answer in […]

Will You B2B Mine? What 15 Top Marketers Love About B2B Marketing on Valentine’s Day

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It’s February 14th and while couples around the world over are celebrating their love, B2B marketers have plenty to love about marketing in 2022. The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of many B2B brands to meet the needs and expectations of digital first buyers and that increased digital focus has opened up a new world of opportunities to engage buyers in more meaningful ways. When starting out in marketing so many years ago, I had no idea what my career or the world would look like in 2022. But I’ve definitely caught the love bug for business to business marketing. […]
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