Digital Marketing / 270 posts found

B2B Marketers: It’s Time to Make Inclusive Language a Priority. Here’s How.

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If you’re in the business of marketing, I don’t need to tell you that words have power. They have the power to influence. The power to endear. The power to alienate. If you’re in the business of marketing, I don’t need to tell you how undesirable that last effect is. It’s the risk today’s brands are running if they fail to make inclusive language a priority. The words used in content and communications speak volumes about a company’s values. Following a few simple guiding principles can make a big difference in projecting a brand culture and community that are welcoming […]

How to Know If Your Company Needs a Training Specialist

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There’s no doubt that human capital is the most valuable asset for any business. If you want your company to thrive, you’ll need to ensure that your staff develops constantly and has all the necessary competencies for success. And it is training specialists who will help you with that by being responsible for your team’s … The post How to Know If Your Company Needs a Training Specialist appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Why Agencies are Scrambling for Web Accessibility

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion are increasingly a priority for businesses. It’s no wonder then that web accessibility has become a staple offering among agencies of all sizes.  The internet is an indispensable resource integral to every facet of our lives.  It’s used for everything from reading the news, to shopping, to communication, to work and … The post Why Agencies are Scrambling for Web Accessibility appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

B2B Marketing News: More Executives Using Social, B2B Events Rebound, New Trust Barometer Data, Meta’s New Ad Policies, & Mobile Ad Spend Rises

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B2B Pros Worry About Leads Getting To The Right Person, Study Finds 58 percent of B2B marketers have said that they are only somewhat or not confident in their organization’s process for taking inbound leads to proper sales team members — one of several statistics of interest to digital marketers contained in recently-released survey data. MediaPost More executives are turning to social media during the pandemic. [Report] Some 56 percent of business executives have said that they are increasing their usage of social media due to the pandemic, with 68.4 percent expressing positive reactions to colleagues or leaders sharing industry […]

Are Guest Posts Bad for SEO When They Are Short?

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Guest posting is a great way to establish your authority online, as well as boost your Google rankings. It is something that every website is recommended to do if they want to enjoy a lot of traffic and conversions. But, do you know the best ways to guest post? Something that a lot of people … The post Are Guest Posts Bad for SEO When They Are Short? appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Are Backlinks Still Important for Top Ranking Websites?

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Backlinks are part of every good SEO strategy. They can help your website achieve a variety of things. From exposing your brand and building authority in your industry to driving traffic to your website and boosting conversions. When link building is done correctly, it is an integral part of a highly successful strategy. Are you … The post Are Backlinks Still Important for Top Ranking Websites? appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

How Growth Rocket Became a Preferred Facebook Business Partner

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It seems that Growth Rocket has a new achievement to feel festive about this Yuletide season (and it’s just on the heels of Google’s birthday): We’re now a Preferred Facebook Business Partner. It may sound like a mouthful, but all it means is that we’ll be able to take Facebook advertising to unprecedented highs thanks […]

Charting the Next Frontier: What is the Facebook Metaverse?

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When I first heard about the Facebook rebrand into Meta, I felt as if my worst Black Mirror fantasies had become a reality. It felt a tad ironic reading up about the news as someone who’s quit social media and has been in the dark about any industry-related updates for two years now, but my […]

In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid: How To Get The Most From B2B Marketing Events In 2022

How can B2B marketers get the most from events in 2022, whether they’re in-person, all-virtual, or in any of several combinations of hybrid formats? The marketing event landscape in 2022 may not be as topsy-turvy and uncertain as it was in 2021, yet there’s no shortage of questions many events are still facing. Some have chosen to hedge their bets as long as possible, waiting to see whether an in-person format will work for their audience. Others have gone all-in with one format or another, hoping that their event won’t have to make last-minute format changes as the winds of […]

Three Steps to Elevated B2B Marketing in 2022: Innovate, Collaborate, Accelerate

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B2B marketers have faced unprecedented challenges over the past two years but I am one of those people that genuinely sees these times as an opportunity. Working in the marketing industry, especially at a B2B marketing agency, means being adaptable and engaged in a constant state of improvement aka ABO (always be optimizing). Information overload, changing buyer behaviors towards digital first information experiences and the dramatic increase in content competition mean B2B marketers cannot win simply be creating more content or chasing the latest shiny object tactic. In these times of elevated digital savviness and access to digital content consumption, […]
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